Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mob Wives: The Fans R ILL w/ It.

Whether we understand the women or not, one thing I can type with a straight face is the Mob Wives' fans are serious about their love of the Mob Wives.  I hate to type it but I swear I think some of the fans would whack someone over their beloved favorite Mob Wife.

Any reader of The Mob Wives Blogspot knows I am hard core with my opinions.  It is what it is.  I type what I want to, you don't likey likey isn't raining on my parade.  Some of the fans are like rabid pit bulls if an individual types, 'I don't like Drita's hair.'  I mean they jump on a person as if they spat on the chick.  I enjoy the show like the next person. But, "Daaaaaaamn! Slow your roll folks."  I don't think the next person blogs about the Mob Wives as much as Chiara and I do.  However, you know what I mean right?

Anyhow, I am still figuring out Twitter.  It gives me a headache, frankly.  The title of this post is a testament of my learning Twitter speak/type.  I had to ask Chiara today what DM meant.  I knew the M meant message.  However, the D was a mystery to me.  I know; I am a sad case.  Moving along, a cat tweeted me a link which mentioned the Mob Wives.  You know I cannot pass up anything Mob Wives related.  So of course I clicked on it.  I am so very glad I did.  I won't go into detail because one I have a massive headache.  Two I need to catch up on my Judge Judy stash on my DVR.  Don't act like y'all don't watch the pit bull in a judical robe.  I hope you enjoy the listen.  I sure in the hell did.  Thanks Vinny Stucatz for the link!  The Mob Wives fans aren't playing is all I am typing.  They're mobAddicts.  No worries, I keep a blog bat next to my bed.

Oh, before I forget a big shout out to A.J. Pagan for making this old girl laugh yesterday.  He is a great teenager.  I didn't like my very own teenager as much as I like A.J.  And she came from my very own snatch!  Yes, I know you all didn't need nor want to read all that information.  Anyhow, the A.J. Pagan interview will be posted on Sunday.

Credit: G-Fella


  1. I got a kick out of it too. The Mob Wives fans are serious. And then you know I really like The Big Bang song.


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