Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Married A Mobster: Love Majewski’s “Veritas Cosmetics”

Looks like Drita D'Avanzo isn’t the only Mob Wife interested in pursuing a career in cosmetics. Investigation Discovery’s Love Majewski, from their new show, “I Married A Mobster,” has already gone that route. Her line is called. “Veritas Cosmetics,” and her website is quite impressive at first glance.  Here is a little glimpse at her resume:

According to her bio on the website, Love is a licensed cosmetologist and celebrity makeup artist. She began her journey at the age of 17 when she went to work for Estee Lauder in NYC. She took her experience from there to Chanel Couture, where she first started doing celebrity makeovers. Her success and reputation in the cosmetic world lead her to a position at Saks 5th Avenue.  Her notable celebrity clientele list includes: Elaine Stritch from 30 Rock, the late Natasha Richardson, Winona Ryder, Jennifer Love Hewlett, Finola Hughes, ,Foxy Brown, Donna Summer, Lenny Kravitz, Eddie Cibrian, Glenn Close & the late George Carlin.

Love was eventually offered a position by Kanebo to sell the most expensive line of skincare products in the world. Love reluctantly left her position at Saks to pursue this amazing opportunity. Her work in cosmetics has taken her to many countries around the world.

You can read about many more details of her life and career, check out their products and see pictures of their cosemtics work in the media at: Veritas Cosmetics
Veritas also has a blog site where they offer many makeup tips and techniques, what changes to make in your makeup for summer, and tips for busy moms who don't have much time to apply makeup.

Picture Credit: Investigation ID, Veritas Cosmetics, Love Majewski

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  1. OMG Ladies Thank you so much!! Veritas means everything to me. As you mentioned I started doing makeup very young as A&S plaza in NYC (its been manhattan mall for about 15yrs) so that shows ya how long ago it was! And just like most of the women I know I'd come across a product,use it twice,throw it in the bathroom drawer& think to myself I would've really liked this,if only it.....stayed on longer,didnt cake up ,didnt dry out,wasnt so oily etc..SO I started jotting down products & how I would change them. 10 yrs later that note book was huge & the ideas in that book became Veritas.I didn't want any investors so I had to begin with mainly private label cosmetics & as I created each of my custom products I swapped them out one by one.I'm so proud of the little line that could & thrilled that you mentioned it. I'm sorry my blog isn't up to date & is nothing compared to this..but I've been a lil busy lately.My next line coming out is for Fall,I know Im on fall already!It's called Femme Fatales...

  2. P.S. I'm just as excited to see Drita's new line as all of you are.She's a very gifted artist & has a great eye for color. Good Luck to Drita & all the other ladies with their projects! What a motivated crew! Jail mail is such an incredible idea,its brilliant & if the website follows the design its gonna be fantastic.Of course Karen's book promises to be a best seller.I'll check back here for my updates &I'm sure you'll have the exact info of where & when its all available.You always do!

  3. Be sure to tell us when your Femme Fatales comes out and we will do a blog on it to alert readers. I found your blog interesting even with the few posts that were there. Blogging is very time consuming, maybe one or more of your associates can help write up a couple of blogs for you to review and edit?

  4. I like to consider myself a professional ammuture when it comes to makeup. Until the age of 40 I didn't give it much thought and slapped on whatever my daughters had left on thier dressers. But now I love doing my makeup and I'm always looking for products that actually work. This look like good stuff and can't wait to try it out. I'll let you know what I think...Thanks

    I'm also looking forward to seeing Drita's line too.

  5. Mob Mistress & Chiara will have a special anouncement coming soon re:Veritas Cosmetics new Fall line...Femme Fatales but if there's anything you personally would like to try you can E-mail me any questions about makeup to or you can just go ahead & order directly thru the pay pal link on the website.
    Once again I thank all of you for writing ,reading & most of all supporting Veritas...Peace,Love & Lipstick®

  6. Wow I thought Love Majewski was as an urban legend like bigfoot alot like bigfoot with her size 10 shit kickers.I wanna see how they going to make her nasty ass look like the nice girl next door when she was the one doing all the violent crimes. I know as a fact that my friend woirks in her lawyers offic eand she had her record sealed.She told me that Big foot paid thousands of dollars to cover up how she would go on shootin g and stabbing sprees.I wonder if they going to show her doing Voodoo too? whateva happens it aint going to be pretty this girl is a few cards short of a deck and from what I was told she left the country rather than stand trial so how is she back now and on tv talking about how she hsot 4 or 5 ex boyfriends.You look in yo dictionary under crazy bitch and her picture is right above her buddy drita.

  7. Its so nice to see that the viewers are paying attention but wow you saw my shoe size & everything now thats some stop action cgi enhanced viewing for you milady isnt it? As for my religious beliefs last time I checked religious freedom was my right!

    Secondly you are absolutely correct my record wasn't sealed but it was expunged & if a supreme court justice saw fit to disregard public knowledge of my crimes then who are you to disagree? Oh I'm sorry Pres.Obama Ihadn't realized you were a fan of the M.O.B. blogspot but I dont blame you these authors are legit.
    Thirdly my "little" friend my crimes although expunged are very public knowledge even Mob Mistress herself has copies of archived front page newspaper articles dating back as far as 1993 that openly discuss my crimes but they also discuss my punishments as well,So having paid my dues again I don't see how you have any righ to pass judgement?
    May this will set your mind at ease..I've never shot anyone that wasnt a felon,I never shot at anyone that hadn't put there hands on me & I've been given forgiveness by all of them & there was only 3 not a dozen! But 3!
    Keep in mind I never claimed to be Suzie fuckin Homemaker I simply said I had a message ! I am living proof that young ladies dont need to hook up with Mob guys,you WILL have your heart broken,you WILL get in trouble,you can have your cjildren taken & its not glamourous ITS SCARY & DANGEROUS.

    And when the situation became kill or be killed..I shot & I dont deny it.Sorry if that didn't make you happy

  8. as one of my closest friends that has entered my life and feels more like family to me, I want everyone to read how you have a heart bigger than the 5 boros, the meanest right hook a girl can see, and you shine brighter that 24K in the sunlight. There is nothing in this world that you can do or have done to ever make me think different. When haters speak (or type nowadays)you have a skillful art of shutting them down, showing them how stupid they are, and pointing out how they have no life other than to make known their stupidness. thank you for being you. I wish more people existed like you- this world would be a better place. More open, honest, respecting, and loving.

  9. I wish yuo didn't write that anonymous but I think I know who you are & Thank you so much. I've grown,repented & changed. I don't ask for the public to feel sorry for me I simply ask that they let me share my message.I wanted a cosmetic line since I was young & I gave up my dreams to follow someone else's I was blinded by the glitz glamour & sold on the myths hollywood perpertrated. All I say is young ladies "Don't doubt yourself & never give up on your dreams"

  10. madamemoose1@hotmail.comTuesday, January 08, 2013

    i like her. she seems like a straight shooter (!). if more women were straight up, instead of stabbing each other in the back, it'd be a better world. and i like a girl who takes no crap.

  11. Why is it that this blog was writing about Love's accomplishments and how she made a life for herself some miserable soul feels the need to go to the negative and focus on that? Last I checked, "NO ONE is perfect and NO ONE has the right to judge others. We do not walk in each others shoes so we do not know what happens or what causes us to do what we do. Why don't you go back to your miserable life and find something good to focus on and if u do not like LOVE then change the channel, jump off her TL, mind your BUSINESS. Just stop it LINDA SCARPA!!!! Clearly you are jealous and feel the need to attack anyone who does not agree with u" LOVE continue to strive and do good things. You are a success within yourself. I look forward to seeing your beautiful future.

  12. From what i have observed Love Majewski seems to be a very genuine individual. Despite feelings and distractions she has managed to excell and worked very hard to get where shes at. Beauty is common but she possess strength and a growing wisdom that comes from the inside out. The strength comes from inside. Not many are her equal because she doesnt live under the weight of someone elses dream .Cannot. She doesnt ride the coattails of others. It is obvious she carrie s more empathy and compassion than anger. She carries alot of knowledge and wisdom and a well of sincere emotion. I believe she has greater potential thats yet to be seen. She does care . Watch you folks might learn something. The harsh critics might want to note some of her accomplishments before waggling their forked tongues.


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