Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mob Wives: Drita’s Australian Chat!

The Mob wives begin airing in Australia on August 31st at 8:30 PM and they are very excited about being able to watch the series. So much so that Nat and Shaun contacted Drita to interview her for their radio show (link below).

They seem very fascinated that Drita is very beautiful outside and yet is so tough. She laughs and tells them she was always a tomboy. She also describes how she grew up in a strict, traditional home before becoming involved with gangsters, who she says she found intriguing. She grew up training and working out and she never had fear. And how she fights, she boxes. Pulling hair may be good for breaking up a fight but it really doesn’t cause any injuries. And Drita says she doesn’t want to fight any more because she is a mother and needs to set a good example. She explains how upset her father was with her decision to marry Lee. She gave up a lot of good opportunities. She says her father was right. She explains how upset she was the second time Lee was sent to prison and how angry she was over it.

They ask her if she knew he was a bank burglar. She says are you kidding me? When you go out on a date, do you tell the person the worst things you’ve ever done? And she adds, a criminal does not talk about his crimes. She says they were married a short time, she went to court with him, heard a list of his crimes, got dizzy and threw up. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

She says the show gives you an idea of the pain the children go through when their fathers are in jail and how it affects the whole family. It’s not glamorous and kids should think about that before choosing this lifestyle. And she has no sympathy for Lee. He went to jail the first time and she supported him and visited him, but the second time no. He didn’t learn from his mistakes, he doesn’t deserve he support. She is at a crossroad right now. She had to give up a great job that she built up when he went back the second time.

Great Interview!  They love her in Australia!

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Link to interview:

Picture credit: Drita's Facebook


  1. Great Post, Chiara. I told Mistress you must've gone Evelyn Woods school of blogging. And this is proof, great post on Drita.

    Reading this made brought back a memory about my brother. He was around 8 at the time and our new neighbor was in the military. So one day my mom was outside talking to the neighbors and my brother comes over and asks the neighbor "do you work at my dad's school". There where they always told us kids, prison was school. The guy said no he was in (i don't remember what branch of the military) so I'll just say Navy. My mother brought us in the house and I don't know what she said to the neighbor. But i remember her and my aunt joking about for sometime after.

    So yea, as some kids associated Uniforms with Military, Police, whatever. We associated it with prison guards. Sad!and even sadder we thought they were university professors not crupt tyrants.

  2. Thank you Harley, I do love to write if I have something to write about and I have some feeling about it. Drita's interviews are always fun and she gets her sense of humor in there in spite of all she has gone through. I think it's a credit to her that she went to school and made her own money when Lee was in prison.

    That's a somewhat funny story you have, and sad at the same time.

  3. Great blog Chiara. I am glad for the update on our mob wives. With Drita I feel sorry for her kids not having their dad around. I don't feel sorry for Drita as we all make our choices about who we sleep with and hang out with. You can't go backwards, you have to look forward and learn from the past.

  4. I find it interesting how Drita married the guy, who her friend dated for 7 years. A friend who she lived with and she didn't know what he did for a living..... yeah, okay.

  5. I agree 100% Mob Mistress! Drita knew Lee was a mobster! She knew who Karen was (Sammy the Bull daughter)! I think Drita really disrespected Karen because Karen let Drita live with her and Lee. Karen had to have felt you were a friend, someone cool, to let you live in the house with her and Lee!

  6. I just read this post again. And holy mackerel there is something very fishy here!

    Let’s take this a look at this little snippet from our wonderful Chiara.

    They ask her if she knew he was a bank burglar. She says are you kidding me? When you go out on a date, do you tell the person the worst things you’ve ever done? And she adds, a criminal does not talk about his crimes. She says they were married a short time, she went to court with him, heard a list of his crimes, got dizzy and threw up. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

    1)Drita knew Lee for at least 7 years and she may have not known about this specific bank robbery she knew he wasn’t a law abiding citizen. So that’s a nice little play on words

    2) I doubt very much they ever dated, I just don’t see Lee as the “DATING MAN”. I think they “HOOKED UP” and it just went from there. There is a difference between hooking up and dating.

    3)And I’m doesn’t the last part kind of mirror Cheryl’s story from IMAM. She didn’t know until he went to court, got dizzy and threw up? WTF, she can’t be serious.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but this leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. And frankly Mistress, not even Listerine is getting rid of this.

    Rosie, I think Drita and Teresa are similar in a lot of ways. Do you see it too?

  7. Harley Angel, I think Drita and Teresa are alike in that they will stand by their man till the end! I don't really see Drita divorcing Lee. She is just ashamed he "threw egg in her face"! Meaning every episode, oh Lee is so good to me. She was trying to imply he treats her better than Karen BUT she found out he was treating her NO BETTER than he treated Karen while she was his woman.


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