Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Real Housewives Of New Jersey: Gia's Song

Thanks To Harley, a writer at our blog, I have learned a few things about The Real Housewives of New Jersey and the Guidice family.  The Guidice family sounds very dysfunctionsal to say the least. So when I came across this video about a song that Gia Guidice wrote and sang, I was curious to watch it.  It's heartbreaking.  Anyone who has an unstable home life where parents or relatives argue all the time, should watch this video and see what this does to an innocent child.  Let alone the fact that Gia's problems are compounded because the family situation is made public and everyone she meets and talks to at school may be well aware of her home life. 

Gia is only 9 or 10 years old.  She shouldn't have to go to school worrying all the time.  She just wants them to stop fighting and love one another.  Is that too much to ask?  Teresa and her brother Joe's feud have deeply affected Gia to the point she has written this song and sings it, through flowing tears, hoping it will have an impact on them.  Since when is it the child's responsibility to teach the adults how to behave?

video credit: Bravo


  1. Chiara this is heart breaking to watch. Gia has so many issues to deal with and on top of it she is dealing with all the pressures of the tween years. it must be mortifying at times to go to school after the shananigans of her parents are aired on national tv.

    i found it interesting that gia is now listed as an cast member of he show. honestly i don't know all the details or what is required from either Bravo or Gia as far as what's aired. But either way, why air something so emotional or personal.

    Unless of course, Gia is acting like she was acting in a serious role. Teresa has tried getting her in the "biz" since the rh began if not longer. something to think about...

  2. Are you saying this was an "act" to get her in show business? She did a damn good job for her first role, if so. These people are all crazy to use their children and parade their lives out there for the world to see. The emotional damage will come later on. Have you seen some of the issues with Kate's Children from Kate Plus 8? I don't watch, she is too obnoxious, but every now and then I catch an article. All she cares about is being on television, NOT mothering


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