Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mob Wives: The MOB’s T-Shirt Business…

The Mob has come a long way, from committing crimes to using their past criminal history for future fame and fortune through books, movies, television shows, museums, articles, internet games, and so much more. And now we can add a new business venture to the mob, T-Shirts. 

Almost all the mob wives have their own websites now, and on each one there is a store where you can buy T-Shirts with their own personal quotes on them. Now, I will admit that I have called the show scripted a time or two here on the blog. However, the more I watch it, the more I think it is less scripted and more reality. I mean you can’t make this stuff up! No writer would ever have envisioned Renee's “crumb scene” or make up the lines that come out of these women’s mouths. It’s just not possible. Every week they come up with their own original expressions, ones I never heard before. I love them! I have posted a few of my recent favorites on the shirts above. I am sure some will add them to their already hilarious and growing T-Shirt line.  And, I know they don’t make these lines up and insert them here and there, because they just come out too naturally on the show. I wish I had made a list since the first episode aired. I may have to watch them all just to do that!

These classic quotes, when they are said, almost jump out at you. You know one when you hear it. So, let’s pay some attention to future shows and collect some of our favorite expressions. By the end of season two I may do another T-Shirt blog and add our favorites for the mob wives to see. Who knows, they may become a hot new trend? These shirts just might be coming to a Mob Store near you! Let’s call it “Mob Garb?” What do you think?

See if you can match the mob wife with the shirt. Got a problem, just ask in the comments below!


  1. She's a crumb snatcher, Nothing but a flip floppin floozie, Stop Being Nice are Ramona.

    Clean the F*ckin crumbs, I'm being loyal to myself are Renee.

    You're like a raccoon always in my garbage - Drita.

    I like the wise guys - Big Ang.

    I called Renee "this time" - Carla

    I want to have a spa party - Karen.

  2. 100% right, you are paying attention LOL

  3. lmaooo Love it! I agree @ the expressions being authentic, and not scripted. They all crack me up!! I'm still laughing @ the 'alligator arms' comment from the other week. They should really market these on Tshirts, great idea.

  4. For some reason the alligator arms didn't stick with me, I don't know why, but it sure is a classic and fits in with the rest of these.

  5. They all have tshirts on their sites for those who don't know. Drita, Renee, Karen, Ramona and even Big Ang!

  6. Wish u had one that said "I'm gonna devil on your garbage from the grave" LOL That shirt would be sold out in a minute.

  7. As much as I can stand her, I love the line by Ramona. "I'm Drita D'avanzo and I have balls" Hilarious!! I would by that tee shirt in a minute.


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