Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mob Wives: Blind Item 1

Well if you follow me on Twitter, you might've caught that my favorite Bravo Housewives related site is Stoopid Housewives.  The site is awesome.  It's readers & commenters are even better!  They tickle me to no end whether I agree or disagree.  SH owns & pretty much does all of the work for that blog.  She's a hoot too.  Why am I mentioning Stoopid Housewives?  Well it's because she writes these sometimes funny, sometimes juicy, sometimes unbelievable, sometimes pathetic tidbits of information called Blind Items.

Blind Item begins...

Allegedly a certain wife ______________ who has lots of adoring fans likes to get her 'medication' from a certain p________ on H____ Boulevard.  A doctor allegedly prescribes her the pills of her liking.    However word on the streets is she enjoys recreation lines of  white powder on occasion.  Maybe the rumor mill is talking about skiing?

In the 21st century,  a male companion was allegedly beat down by her husband's buddies & hospitalized.  Do you think he went by ambulance?  Oh the tales one's tail could tell.

...and ends. 

Now back to the important stuff & people!  I'd like to thank some of The M.O.B. Wives Blogspot's readers for taking the time to read us when you have a few moments to spare.  I'd like to give a nod to Rosey, CeeCee, Deana3452,  Hey You, Kel, John HAMhock, Big T, Sicilian Cutie, Missy, Ms Cali Kathy, Bella, TweetPolice, Marie Pimental, Meagan Price, ScoobyDooPatches, FunLady28, Cwedd30, Queen B, Lady El, Morris Park, Diane Randle, Samantha, Jillian Perry, Vai and so many others.  I can't write you keep us going.  Frankly if we had zero readers we'd blog during our spare time as we do now.  It's pure fun & laughter.  I can write you add so much more fun & spice to our experience as blogging friends.  Thank you from the core of my iMac.

A special thanks to my fellow bloggers.  I know I'm a heartless asshole.  Thanks Chiara, Underboss, Carmela Corleone, Soft Tails & SH for sharing this pastime with a miserable often bitchy wife.

For every lie the truth will be revealed. ~Mob Mistress' grandmother


  1. Haha I loved the blind mice post!!! I so enjoy your blog!! Keep em coming!

  2. Always enjoy your creative writing skills. Such fun stuff to read!

  3. Seriously, this is the best website! I've had it right on my Favorites Bar since you guys started. LOL ever think about making an app so I can check the site during work? haha I'd probably pay for it. All my friends check the site everyday too! Keep up the good work!


  4. YAY! I got a shout out! :) Thank you!

  5. Awww shucks Mob Mistress, thanks for the shout out!!! I have to admit, when I first came onto this website I was a total fan of Drita's and did not like Karen, and thought you guys were going in on Drita so harshly, I just knew that you must somehow be related to Renee, Karen and Ramona...

    But as I watched the show, I really grew to like Karen and her maturity. I love the fact that she loves her family and friends, and she is really about business--being a career mom myself, I totally respect that.

    And I've really grown to appreciate the entertainment value that all of the women on this show provide--when open up and give us a glimpse of their world, let's face it, they give us a welcome distraction from our worlds. And I love it.

    And I love this blog, because you have given us an opportunity to do what women sometimes do best--gossip and run off at the mouth!!!! So thank you to all the bloggers and moderators!!!! I Love it!!!!

  6. Sorry, forgot to add my name to the last post--Samantha

  7. LOL! I Love the Mice!
    Thanks MM 4 the shout out!!!;-);-)
    Jess C I agree #BestSiteEver!;-)


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