Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mob Wives: Chiara's Spin Off Suggestions

From the "Pleaser Shoes" Collection

Now that Big Ang is about to launch her new spin off on VH1, July 8th at  9PM ET/8C, I got to wondering about other possible spin off shows. Big Ang’s show will be about her life, family and friends. How easy is that? They just have to follow her around town with a camera and have a camera planted at the Drunken Monkey. I laugh every time Big Ang talks, so I will be sure to watch. But what about the other mob wives? Don’t they deserve shows too? I don’t know where this is going yet, but I can’t help the way my mind works, can I? Jennifer are you reading this? If so, I would like some feedback. 

My first idea for a new show called, “Head To Toe,” features Love Majewski. The premise is that Love, a makeup artist, owns a shoe boutique/salon. She gets her clients ready for weddings, red carpet events, galas etc, literally from head (Veritas makeup) to toe (HooDoo shoes). I know Love has a very lively, effervescent personality, so this is bound to be a hit, reality or scripted. Also, I think we can get Diondrea Nicosia in the cast too, maybe handling the business end of things, making sure Love doesn’t “give away” products because she has a kind and generous nature!

Another idea I had is called, “Robbing The Cradle.” This show is about a middle aged couple who are still in love, but neither wants to give the other any satisfaction. Instead, they both date people, years younger than themselves, to prove to the other how ridiculously desirable they still are. All the while they are dating these “babies,” they tweet dozens of pictures of themselves having a good time. Have you guessed whose show this is?!? Right, the Carla and Joe spin off. So much potential for laughs!

There is one mob wife who is already her own spin off, even as she appears on Mob Wives Chicago. That would be, in my opinion, Leah D. I know I am not the only one sitting on the edge of my seat always waiting to hear what Leah has to say. The name of this show would be “What Would Leah Say?” and it would be about young girls and guys asking about dating advice or problems. I don’t want Leah’s advice to be scripted at all! Let her do what she does naturally! 

Renee Graziano needs a show where she doesn’t have to deal with problematic reality. I’ve seen Renee, she is the “life of the party.” How about a show called, “Party Planning Mob Style?” In the show, Renee is a party planner who does it up BIG, the way the mob would do it. Her clients would have to have some serious money before coming to Renee. Her first project could be a filmed, Mob Wives Meet & Greet Event in NYC, with all eleven NY and Chicago mob wives in attendance. Include a modest dinner and charge people, hmmm about $200 a seat! I’d buy a ticket to meet the mob wives, eat and possibly end up on Renee’s show, if you make it though editing! Who wouldn’t be there?

How do you like these ideas? Who knows, one might find it;s way into production. Which one did you like best?

Stay tuned for more suggestions in the future, if my brain gets inspired!

Picture Credit: HooDoo Shoes


  1. Chiara, why in the he'll aren't you a writer for tv shows. I would certainly watch it. I would like a spin off where a certain mob wife has to apologize to every woman whose husband she slept with.

  2. Lucky I appreciate the vote of confidence! I wish I could write for tv, looks like this is the closest i will get. However, regarding your show, from what I know about the current mob wives, you'd have to get Carla to star in yours. What are the odds of that? I hear she is as boring as watching paint dry.


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