Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Married A Mobster: Meeting Toni Marie at Launch Party

Toni Marie, even more beautiful in person!

Last night I was invited to the Premiere Party of season two of I Married A Mobster, by Director, Kevin Kaufman! The season premiered with the episode, “Scarred For Life,” the story of Toni Marie Fappiano and her ex-husband, Michael “Mikey Scars” Di Leonardo. The event was held at I Tre Merli restaurant in Soho, Manhattan. I am usually a homebody, but I am very happy I was able to attend and meet Toni Marie, who was very sweet and gracious. 

When my husband and I got to the restaurant, the front of the building was all open and we just strolled in. The tables were full of people enjoying their dinners and the food looked and smelled delicious. I only had to take a few steps before I saw Toni Marie chatting with some friends. I waited until she had a moment, to approach her and introduce myself. Someone told her I wanted to say hello. She looked at me wondering who I was, so I gave her a hint. I said, I am the person who loves your recipes! She thought a minute and said, “It has to be someone from Twitter,” and then immediately after she said, “Chiara?” I said yes. We both laughed. We chat every day about her wonderful recipes and the pictures she posts of her prepared meals, that look like they were made at a four star restaurant. The woman is a fantastic cook, I verified this later in the evening, with a reliable source. I let Toni Marie get back to her dinner and family while my husband and I strolled on to the back of the restaurant.

Soon I was approached one of by Toni Marie’s PR people, Laura Carlucci. We had a very nice chat about Toni Marie and some of the future projects she is working on. We chatted about the blog and how I got started writing it. Then she asked for my business card. I’m sorry to say that I busted out laughing. I told her I don’t have business cards, I do this for a hobby. She gave me her card and I will email her later. I want to make sure I am kept up-to-date on all of Toni Marie’s future plans! 

A gentleman comes over to me and asks if I would mind taking a picture with Toni Marie? I say of course not. He literally escorts over to where she is standing. Toni Marie introduces me to her husband, and then I take a picture with her and then the two of them. When we are done, the gentleman who came to get me, insists on escorting me back to my husband. That’s how things are done. 

A few minutes later, who shows up? None other than my favorite I Married A Mobster star, Love Majewski. I almost thought she wasn’t coming because she has been sick for a week. But no, there she was, a real trooper and as effervescent as ever! We hug and chat a couple of minutes and it was really so good seeing her again. As she leaves to say hello to Kevin Kaufman, the woman next to me, who I had been chatting with about the blog and the Sopranos, is impressed. “Who was that she asked?” I tell her that’s Love Majewski from season one of IMAM. “Oh, she says, they all know you!” I said, “Yes, they all know me, but not all of them love me.” And I laugh.

Toni Marie with Kevin Kaufman

My phone rings. Guess who wants to talk to me during all the noise at the party? Right! Mob Mistress. She is always checking in on me to make sure I am having a good time and to give me orders. “Did you get pictures of Toni Marie?” “Did you introduce yourself to Kevin Kaufman?” “Did you say hello to Nancy DeLucia?” I tell her I got pictures, but that wasn’t enough to make her happy. “What are you waiting for, be assertive!” she says, in a voice I know too well that says, I will never hear the end of it if I don’t.  So I get off the phone and make sure I fulfill all her expectations. I walk over to Kevin Kaufman and introduce myself. We have a brief chat and he says he appreciates all the time we devote to the show. I tell him we love mob wives! He laughed and said he knows. I ask him where I can find Nancy DeLucia, because I want to say hello. Well she happens to be three feet away from where we are standing. Kevin introduces me and Nancy and her husband, Mickey DeLucia aka Carfella, who already know who I am. They follow us on Twitter and read the blog. They thanked me for promoting the show. Then Carfella volunteers he just sold Big Ang a new car…it’s a small world isn’t it? Well it is in Staten Island.

Toni Marie with Nancy DeLucia

Toni Marie with Mikey DeLucia aka Carfella

When Toni Marie’s episode ends, my husband and I are ready to leave. It’s past our bedtime. So I say good bye to Love, who doesn’t let me leave without getting a picture of the two of us, and a hug. I make my way to the front of the restaurant to say good bye to Toni Marie. We chat a little more about her recipes and she gives me a hug. A beautiful lady is there and wants to take another picture of me with Toni Marie. She looks familiar too. I ask her, who are you? She says, “I’m Lisa, Toni Marie’s sister.” “Oh that’s great,“ I say, “more for me to blog!”  I ask her, “Does Toni Marie’s food taste as good as it looks?” Without hesitation she answers yes. I knew it! Toni Marie adds she gave me her chicken cutlet recipe to try. I answered, “Don’t worry, I won’t give it to anyone!” I ended by telling them what a nice family they have, and it’s true. I felt welcomed and right at home. 

Toni Marie with her sister, Lisa

And now, it’s time for me to really leave. I really had a good time and am glad I went. I had a trying day and was having second thoughts about going, but it did me a lot of good to get out and I met such wonderful people. 

I Married A Mobster is on Wednesday nights on Investigation Discovery. Check your local listings for show times. Next week the show will feature Nancy DeLucia’s episode, “It’s Me Or The Mob,” at 10:30 PM ET. There will also be a new episode of IMAM at 10 PM, so make sure to catch them both. You can check the schedule and show summaries on this link: I Married A Mobster Season Two and then set your DVR’s!
And, here is Toni Marie's interview with Mob Mistress: Toni Marie Interview

P.S. If I get more pictures I will insert them later! 

Picture Credit: Toni Marie's Twitter Account


  1. I am so happy that you had a wonderful night out ( that was long overdue !) Toni Marie is such a beautiful lady & I loved her story, interviews etc. I am going to ask to see some of the pics that you won't publicly disclose ;) I am wishing all the best to Toni Marie as she truly deserves it.

  2. This is awesome, that was so sweet of her to invite you! :D Glad you and hubby had a great time, she sounds like a sweetheart!

    (Second what Tweet Police said about the disclosure LOL)

  3. Chiara lucky you got to meet Toni Marie Fappiano. I enjoy your blogs.


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