Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mob Wives Chicago: Pia Rizza Runs “Hot” & “Cold”

Pia runs “hot & cold,” and I am not talking about her personality on the show. She has been pretty damn consistent throughout every episode of Mob Wives Chicago. That is one of the things I love about her. One of the scenes we saw on the show was Pia going to see Deanna Morales, a lifestyle consultant. Pia wanted to change her image from a "pole dancer" to something more respectable. Ms. Morales is CEO of Wite Gold Management & PR. In their consultation, Ms. Morales arranges a photo shoot for Pia and promises it will show Pia as sexy, but in a classy way. She promised Pia it would open up financial avenues for her. I posted a couple of the pictures from that photo shoot on last week’s recap, and they were classy, amazing and “Hot!” 

Now as for Pia running “cold.” Ms. Morales has done an extraordinary job getting bookings for Pia. There is hardly a day that goes by that I haven’t seen a tweet for an appearance or interview for Pia arranged by Wite Gold Management. Yesterday, big news was announced that Pia had been signed on to represent “Cold Steel Vodka,” and it seems there is a big ad campaign in the works. The above picture was just a sample of Pia’s photo shoot with the company! I think it’s amazing that Pia has gotten such recognition in a relatively short time. She is in big demand these days and she has a great management team behind her.

We at the blog, and I personally, wish Pia every success. I feel that Pia suffered from the crimes of her father and his cooperating with authorities. Through the show she has had an opportunity to let the world know what she really thinks of him. Now, with her fame and success due in large part from Mob Wives Chicago, she can throw her success in his face. She did it on her own, without any help from him and in spite of all the pain and humiliation he caused her. Way to go, Pia! I’m happy for you and Bella and wish you continued success!

Here is a link about Cold Steel Vodka written by the onwer & creator, Chris Lenahan, which is very interesting: Cold Steel Vodka

Picture Credit: Cold Steel Vodka


  1. Wow that is amazing!!! I hadn't heard about this new deal until now. Chiara do you think there is any particular reason why Pia is the only one on the show constantly doing these huge events & acquiring such fame? I mean Renee is different as she has a business to attend to, but what about, for instance, Christina? In the show they say she was unemployed. You would think she at least should have been able to land a full time job after the show aired. Has anyone contacted her for ANYTHING? Can't Deanna get her some high profile appearances like she does for Pia or at least provide her with a few job leads so she can start learning to live independently & take care of herself? I just feel like she needs a little help so why not help her? She said herself she relies on her ex husband for food & shelter & that's got to be uncomfortable & embarrassing at her age. I hope she can find a job. Probably not a huge contract like this Cold Steel Vodka thing for Pia, but perhaps a restaurant job or in a local store? Anything? I know the temp agencies could probably find her something short term. That's where i sent my son after high school. Either way god bless all of these women.

  2. Anon, to answer your question, The Mob Wives are clients to different firms and agents. That may be one of the reasons Pia is getting a lot of oppotunities. Her agency maybe more skilled in getting her jobs. Pia also seems to be in big demand, maybe because she photographs well, is easy to work with, has the time to take advantage of opportunities, has the image the clients are looking for, who knows? I credit a lot of it to Deanna Morales, she is always promoting her clients.

  3. Pia is one stong women having gotten as far as she did on her own, i love the photos of her.

  4. Just met Pia at a trade show in Vegas. She looks great and was very cordial taking pictures with guys at the cold steel booth.

    I must admit she is much better looking in person.



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