Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dial A Blogger!

You Got $10 A Minute To Spare?

Move over Dial A Star! Dial A Blogger is in town! Why chat with D-List “stars” when you can chat with A-list Bloggers? D-List stars have nothing new to tell. They have aired their dirty laundry in every tabloid magazine, online website, and even on Twitter. And for the same information you have already read for free, they want to charge you $10 a MINUTE or $600 an hour for rehashed information. That’s just plain crazy!

At Dial A Blogger you can get the hottest, never before revealed gossip and insider information. For $20 a minute you will be “in the know.” What wouldn’t you give to find out your favorite cast member’s next season’s storyline? Who are the newest cast members being added?  Who is going to backstab a long time friend? What is the next spin off? And so much more! You have the questions, we have the answers!

And, as an added bonus, we promise to answer your single most burning question in two minutes or less! You will never be sucked into a long conversation and a big phone bill listening to whining and drivel! We get right to the truth and the point and guarantee you will get your money’s worth…not something Dial A Star can do.

We are ready to take your calls 24/7, so dial in today and speak to one of our knowledgeable and friendly staff. Be sure to have your questions ready and keep them short and sweet!

Must be 18 to call and have a legitimate credit card handy. Void where prohibited by state laws and regulations.


  1. /dies laughing/

  2. I just had to get it out of my system! LOL

  3. You know what?I would TOTALLY pay a tenner for a coupla minutes on the phone to you Chiara,you make me laugh x

  4. atty Thank you. I have a pretty good sense of humor which comes from telling the unvarnished truth. I'll see how many offers I get LOL


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