Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mob Wives: A NEW and Improved Drita…

A happier Drita in season 3!

On a positive note, I like to give credit where credit is due. Some may not agree with me, but Drita deserves some credit. We seem to be seeing a new Drita. She said she wanted to stop fighting and be a better role model for her girls. So far, in the first two episodes, she is sticking to her guns. I can see her almost biting her tongue not to intervene and take sides. It’s not easy. Renee and Carla have both been good to her over the last two seasons, Carla especially. She been there for Drita at every turn. She has had her back and defended her on many occasions. All the cast members have said, no matter how they feel about Carla, they give her props for being loyal to her girl, Drita. Drita is well aware of this. At the same time, Drita knows the hell that Renee has been through and she has compassion for her. Carla seems to be on the “outs” with everyone in the cast and could use some support. So when it comes to taking sides, Drita is in a tough place right now.

I have often taken a hard stand with Drita on the blog. A large part of that was due to the fighting. I suggested anger management and then, low and behold, she went to see a therapist…not that it did any good, but she went. She did try boxing as a remedy too. But I think what really helped her was watching the show and seeing herself fighting. I think that was really the key to fixing the problem. There is nothing like watching yourself in action, doing something you don’t like, to make you want to change. I really hope she can stick to this new attitude. I like it.

Drita has a lot to be thankful for. She has a huge fan base and lots of business opportunities, thanks to the show. She has gotten her new business off the ground, and for all I know, she has or is trying to reconciled with Lee. I have heard rumors he is out of prison and they are together. If nothing else, it will give the girls a chance to spend real quality time with their father. I know how much Drita’s heart ached for Aleeya, who missed her father and couldn’t wait to see him again. As a mother, Drita comes across as very loving and there is no question in my mind that her daughters are her first priority. We even discussed that in an interview I had with her early on, before I was dubbed the “cricket.”

I really don’t know how the rest of the season will unfold. I know a lot is going to happen and Drita may be backed into a corner of having to choose sides. I am anxious to see what develops. Meanwhile they are still filming and I really hope that Drita can get through the whole season without incident. Her focus is on family and business and building that empire for her children. She seems much more relaxed and happy, and that’s a good thing. I wish her the best of luck in season three. Chirp, chirp.

Picture Credit: VH1


  1. I have to be honest, I've always had a soft spot for Drita. I didn't like all the tough talk or fighting, but I also think the editing of the show has given only a one or two sides to ALL the women. My favorite times with Drita are when she is with her children. I feel like its obvious how much she loves them and how much they love her. Is she a perfect person or mother? No, but who is. When they show the sincere side of Drita I find her very relatable. I love to see her do happy and relaxed so far this season. I have to say happiness looks good on her and she actually looks younger than last season. I wish all the women continued luck, success and happiness. While none of them are perfect or 100% honest they all have something to bring to the table that has made mobwives such a success!

  2. Im glad to see the Drita back that I once liked. The fighting the threats, the violence, so unnecessary. And you are right . She has a lot to be thankful for and 2 beautiful little girls to tend to. She could have had more of a legit fan base if she were always this way! Very kind of you and admirable as a writer on a blog to give her credit , especially how she treated you and this blog last season.

  3. This is what I meant about you giving credit where it is due yesterday. You are a stand up chick for doing it, especially for someone that you've never seen eye to eye with.
    I've always loved Drita. From day one she's been my fave. Something about her draws me in. I don't know if it's her honest way she goes about things. i.e. she might do the wrong things or say the wrong things but to her they are her honest truths. She is being honest to herself at that point in time. But when she is ready to face it, she can admit fault. I like that about her.
    I'm with you... I hope Drita can keep Carla/Renee-free and be peaceful this season. I mean, I'd like to see a little scrappy here and there but not full fledged brawlin'.

  4. I couldn't read past the title. Not everyone is meant to like everybody.

  5. ehhhh its only been two episodes and in both she's been surrounded by "friends." i would like to se some episodes of her with ramona. we'll see how long it lasts...

  6. Drita needs to ride with Carla..Carla always her her back in her carla needs drita sge needs to.really think renee a scary person thats why she tried to pump love up ..

  7. "ehhhh its only been two episodes and in both she's been surrounded by "friends." i would like to se some episodes of her with ramona. we'll see how long it lasts..."

    TOO funny!!

  8. I think Lee is being released tomorrow the 22nd of jan..Drita is great ive always loved her, she defends herself like everyone else on this show and holds it down.
    I went right off Ramona and Karen beginning season 2 but I respect karen and like her, Ramona is growing on me...away from drama they are gorgeous funny women.
    Look everyone end of the day they edit to make it look how they want, i think this season the women are busy investing and making big decisions with there new found fame and money and it gives the show such a different feel but a much better one in terms of role models!!
    We have out favs and the ones we dont like but hey if it was not for all of them there wouldnt be the drama we love to watch !!
    Keep up the blogging ladies i know its a project of love for us fans

  9. Has it accured to ahh one why drita stop her tough talking bs is on the show and she knows better than to Terry that on Love, then to try and be in with the in crowd she threw Carla under bus so she can hang with the real tough lady


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