What did you feed him? asks Carla
Drita continues telling Big Ang and Carla about how she found Lee in her house holding Giselle in his arms. She was shocked because she had just been to visit him and he never said he was coming home. She “bugged out.” She said he went walking around the house questioning everything he saw. Then he asked her where was his buzzer, for a hair cut. They ask her if she fed him and Drita says yes. Carla asks what did you feed him? Drita grins and says, “Me!” She explains, when a man is in prison, it’s like he is being kept in a freezer, nice and fresh. But, Lee is in the half-way house for now. Carla wants to know where he will live when he is done at the half-way house. Big Ang thinks Lee should come home because Carla didn’t let Joe move in and he found himself another girlfriend. Carla thinks Drita should wait and see if it will work out before moving him back in, she shouldn’t do it right away. Drita is torn.
There is a big charity/art event that the girls, Love, Karen and Ramona, are invited to. Michael Bell is doing an unveiling of his first of seven paintings, for Toni Marie’s book. Karen says that she and Toni Marie go way back, her ex-husband, Michael DiLeonardo, was in Sammy’s crew. Ramona has a moment to tell Karen that someone from her past has returned, Lee is out of prison. Karen says she thinks it’s good that he is out of prison for his kids sake, they need him. Karen wants nothing to do with him and she is sure he wants nothing to do with her. She and Drita are in a good place right now.
Renee says: I'm feeling stronger, smarter & focused on what's really important.
Renee is home from rehab and she misses everyone. She is in her new home which doesn’t have much furniture yet. She calls Drita. Renee is happy and feels everything is amazing. Drita is happy for Renee and then tells her Lee is home. Renee is thrilled for Drita, she thinks this is what Drita needed. Drita still can’t believe it. Drita says she is glad that Renee is supporting her and is being so positive. Renee announces that she wants to get all the girls together and she wants to stay on track. She tells her Karen and Ramona have already agreed to the get together. Drita is on board too.
Karen: I'm single and ready to mingle.
Karen meets up with Storm, her business partner in the studio business. He tells her she is the boss and calls the shots. Karen says she likes to watch him work. She finds it a turn on because he is smooth and mysterious. She tells Storm she hasn’t been on a date in a long time. She is single and ready to mingle. Karen says she has been lonely and she senses a mutual attraction between her and Storm.
Drita to Big Ang: You're not giving birth, your throwing a ball!
Renee chooses the bowling alley as the get together for all the girls. She enjoyed bowling in rehab. Ramona, Karen, Drita and Big Ang all show up. Renee looks awesome. Drita is really, really happy to see Renee. Karen says she is proud of Renee and she seems in a positive place. In fact, the rehab did Renee so much good that they all want to go there. Big Ang can’t bowl, she throws the ball like a four year old. Renee asks if everyone is friends now? They say yes and Big Ang wishes Carla could have been there. Renee is happy that everyone is friends and adds “except for Carla.” (Hahahaha)
Big Ang and Neil walk down the street to the hair salon. He is officially back home (again) and she thinks he needs a new look. He gets in the chair to have his hair styled so he looks like the “young stud” Big Ang needs him to be. Bg Ang supervises the haircut and makes fun of the shape of Neil’s head the whole time.
Karen: Anytime we go somewhere and lay down and not lay each other out, it's a good day.
Karen, Ramona, Drita and Renee plan a spa day together, but only Karen and Drita show up. They laugh over it. Last year they wanted to kill each other, now they are at a spa getting massages together. Karen says they have put their differences aside and are in a good place now. Karen tells Drita about Dave’s new girlfriend and how she hopes it doesn’t interfere with her relationship with Dave, the father of her daughter. Drita tells Karen that Lee is home and Karen hopes he does the right thing for his family. Drita doesn’t trust that he will stay out of trouble, but Karen tells her Lee loves hard and his kids mean everything to him. They laugh and joke together.
Meanwhile, Renee and Ramona blew off the spa day to take a trip to Little Italy. They both love it there, it brings them back to memories of the past. It’s Thanksgiving time and the two ladies reminisce. Ramona says she was not happy with the way her grandfather was portrayed in the movie “Donnie Brasco.” Renee recalls that last year at this time, her father was arrested and taken back to jail. Ramona’s grandfather, “Lefty Guns,” died at this time of the year. Renee’s dad, T.G. and Ramona’s grandfather were great friends. Ramona says she wants to have a memorial for her grandfather on the anniversary of his death. She wants to do something special in his memory, and shed a tear of joy instead of one of sadness.
NO, you better wake up! says Big Ang
Carla and Big Ang meet to shop for lights. Big Ang loves to spend money. While there, Carla asks Bg Ang if she got full or joint custody of her kids when she divorced. Carla says she and Joe have started the divorce process and she thinks she should have full custody. Bg Ang eggs her on so much that Carla feels she should get everything because Joe cheated the whole time they were married. Carla says she never even met Raquel. Big Ang tells her to wake up, she needs to meet Raquel, who is spending so much time with her children.
At Big Ang’s house, Neil is cooking a special dinner for his wife. He asks someone how to make broccoli rabe. Big Ang feels Neil is trying very hard. He even has roses, cheap ones, on the table for her. She finds him in the kitchen and there is so much smoke it set off both smoke detectors downstairs and upstairs. The dinner was delicious and he tells her there is another surprise in the bedroom.
In this lifestyle you suffer loss, you suffer pain-it's all we know, says Karen.
Ramona is having the prayer service because she had no closure when her grandfather died. She wants to celebrate his life and she wants his soul to rest in peace. She doesn’t want her children there in case she cries, she doesn’t want them to see her cry. She plans to have just her close girlfriends there. Big Ang says wise guys should be remembered with good thoughts. Amazing Grace is playing in the background. Each one of the ladies expresses their thoughts. Renee says a few touching words in his memory, then Karen and Love remember him. Ramona is proud of her grandfather, he raised her and loved her. It’s a very emotional ceremony.
I wouldn't want you bringing Ho's to the house, says Carla
Carla meets Joe and Raquel at the café. Joe seems to be dreading it because Carla can be difficult. He hopes “it’s a good Carla day.” Carla says she wants to make sure that her kids are comfortable with Raquel. Joe says he feels the tension in the café. Raquel says she was concerned about meeting Carla because she has heard that Carla has said nasty things about her. Joe tells Carla she doesn’t choose her words carefully. Carla is still harping on Joe moving too fast, she wants him to spend time with the kids. She didn’t want him bringing “Ho’s” into the house. (Whoa!) Joe and Raquel are shocked at her choice of words. Raquel tells Carla she loves the kids. Carla apologizes, but Raquel doesn’t believe her apology is sincere. Joe tells Carla to pay for the coffee, but she makes him pay for it.
Middleman is a jerkoff, says Drita
Karen, Love and Drita meet for drinks. Love jokingly tells Karen she thinks Karen was more upset about her breakup with Drita than she was about her breakup with Lee. Drita and Karen tell Love about the spa and bowling get togethers, Love feels left out. Then Love brings up Carla to Drita because they are close friends. Drita is adamant that she does NOT want to be in the middle. Love says she has an issue with Carla. She heard from other people, that Carla has been calling her fat, ugly and accusing her of stealing her boyfriends. Love says no one is pulling a butter knife on her, if they do they will be leaving stabbed 12 times. Love says Carla is 12 pounds and she could easily take her on. Karen adds that Carla has talked about everyone at one time or another, she is not a fighter, but she loves to run her mouth. Drita just keeps saying she will not get involved. Carla stood up for her and was loyal and she needs to be loyal to her in return. However, Drita did say she was concerned about the way Carla was talking about and treating Renee. Drita adds, if Love as an issue with Carla, she will have to meet her by herself because Drita wants peace in her life.
Oh how to break this down! First of all, the title No Love Lost is pretty good, but may I suggest a little change to “Carla Get Lost?” Just sayin’, everyone has an issue with Carla on some level. Even Big Ang, who is easy going and forgiving, isn’t likely to forget how Carla threw the word “junkie” around at her house. And poor Drita is really stuck between a rock and a hard place because she feels she has to be loyal to Carla, but Carla has treated Renee, who is also a good friend of hers, badly.
Okay back to the show and the main situations. Lee is back home and Drita has a big decision to make. No one can really tell her what to do. Personally, I think she is going to risk everything and let him come home for the sake of the kids. Drita wants to make her children happy and give them a normal family life. That has to be the biggest factor weighing on her mind. And it’s clear Drita still loves Lee. No one knows what Lee will do. Maybe being in prison this last time made him realize what is important in life. I hate to say it, but maybe Carla is right. There is no way Drita is going to know how sincere Lee is, after him only spending 30 days in the half-way house, so it’s a big gamble. I’m sure the decision has been made by now, since this was filmed a while ago. Hopefully things are going well for the whole family. By the way, still loving the "new" Drita!
Karen’s love life might be heating up because I see a “storm” brewing. There is definitely a few sparks between Karen and her new partner. Everything else in her life seems to be going well, especially financially. She has had many business opportunities. Hopefully, Karina will decide to move to New York. I really think it should be Karen’s decision because Karina is still very young. I think they will work it out soon. We will see what develops between Karen and Storm shortly!
Carla Meets Raquel. Carla decides it’s time to meet Joe’s live-in girlfriend because she spends so much time with her kids. Good idea. Maybe they should have met a lot sooner, like before Carla had so many negative things to say about her? Neither Joe or Raquel seemed happy about this little sit down. Joe seemed to be expecting the worst and looked as tense as could be. I guess that’s been his personal experience with Carla…expect the worst and hope for the best. Joe tries to “help” Carla by telling her she doesn’t always choose her words wisely (that’s the understatement of the year). Then Carla proceeds to say how she didn’t want Joe parading “Ho’s” in and out of his house in front of her kids. Joe is insulted and says if the kids didn’t like anyone he was dating, that person would be out. Bravo! Raquel looked a little shocked at the “ho’s” comment. Raquel is a smart lady and I am impressed by the way she handled things. She told Carla she loved the kids. Carla apologized. Raquel doesn’t feel the apology was sincere. I have news for Raquel, nothing Carla says is sincere. Now that Carla has seen Raquel face to face and has spoken to her, maybe she will choose her words more wisely. I did see Carla in an interview recently and when asked about Joe’s girlfriend she said she was a nice girl. That’s progress.
Love has an issue with Carla. We have heard it before. Carla is running her mouth around Staten Island and, as usual, it always gets back to the person she is talking about. Carla knows it will, that’s “the word on the street” policy in this small community. Nevertheless, she allegedly told people Love is fat, ugly and tried to steal her boyfriend. On the show she called her the “new comer into their little click.” Love never had any interactions with Carla, so why all the negativity? Love decides to share her issues with Drita, since she is the closest to Carla. Maybe Love wants Drita to send a message to Carla that she knows what is being said about her and she is prepared to confront her about it? Drita, true to her word this season, refuses to be a middle man, a peacemaker, or take sides. She makes it clear she owes Carla her loyalty, but doesn’t exactly condone how she treated Renee. I have to hand to Drita, she played this hand right! This brings up a discussion I had with one of our readers and Mob Mistress about loyalty…
The way I see it is this, when Carla was “ride or die” loyal to Drita and defended her, Drita wasn’t doing anything wrong. Drita was sticking to her convictions. Drita thought her friendship with Karen was over in her eyes. Drita didn’t want Lee in Karen’s book because she thought he would be bashed and it would hurt her family. Drita really believed she was being set up on the balcony and she defended herself. So when Carla is loyal to Drita, she is backing up Drita’s right to her own opinion and feelings. However, in this situation, for Drita to show the same kind of loyalty to Carla she would have to defend Carla’s treatment of Renee. Clearly Drita is not comfortable with the way Carla has been acting towards Renee. Renee has also been a good friend to Drita. Drita has compassion for Renee. What is Drita to do? For me this is not the same type of situation because Carla is clearly in the wrong. Does the “ride or die” loyalty still apply in this case? Can Drita go to bat for Carla under these circumstances? And if Drita defends Carla, does she risk alienating all the other women? It’s no wonder that Drita get anxious every time Carla comes up in the conversation.
I think Drita should have a little one on one sit down with Carla, as a good friend, and tell her how she feels about the way she has been treating Renee. It bothers her and she feels it’s wrong. She is putting Drita in a difficult position of defending her without a leg to stand on. That would be a very interesting conversation. What do you think Drita should do or is going to do? Can she stay totally out of it? I can’t wait to see how this storyline develops.
Video Credit: VH1
Favorite Quotes of the Episode picked by Carmela Corleone! Thank you!
HOpefully my comment goes through.....
ReplyDeleteIt is no secret this site has no love for CArla lol...however the fact that these women on the show rentlessly talk shit about Carla seems to always go unnoticed. In regards to Renee.....RENEE was in the wrong too. It seems everyone enables Renee's bad behavior and she never takes responsibilty for her actions. Carla was wrong to react to REnee by calling her a junkie...just as Renee was wrong for callin her a "whore, homewrecker....and many unkind words about her lady parts lol). It seems like Love is taking on Carla to keep relevant...and wants to continue this nonesense on twitter. I don't agree with Carla's responses at times....but a person can only be pushed soo far before the hit back. I think these women see Carla as an easy target because she does not like to get physically...so they continue to bait her. Instead of ignoring it...Carla falls for the trap and reacts. You can't continue to call someone hideous names and expect them to keep quiet forever. Whatever call did when she was young is HER BUSINESS...whethe true or false these women act like they are the judge and jury against CArla. NONE of them have clean past and I would bet money the things they claim agains CArla they themselves have been guilty of. IT is sad when as adults we have to resort to bullying in large numbers to try to bring others down. I am glad Carla is standing up for herself despite the coordinated efforts of a few to humilate and bring her down.
I've watched mob wives from the beginning and Carla seems very cutthroat. IMO she seems like the type of person who will be pleasant to your face and then talk about you behind your back. She acts as though she is better than everyone. I agree that Renee has acted inappropriately on many occasions but it maybe that was directly related to her addiction to pills. In glad that she has gotten help for her illness and was in good spirits and looked great in this past episode. As for Carla, I've read some of her comments on twitter and she acts like a mean high school girl....not cool imho.
DeleteI like that the girls, sans Carla, are getting along. its refreshing. I don't want to bash Carla but i wish she should own up to her actions and the things she says instead of playing the victim.
Anonymous I am glad you stopped to comment, even if you came to defend Carla lol. I have given my many reasons for not liking Carla, mostly do to her behavior, so I won't rehash any of it now. I do appreciate what you had to contribute here and hope t stimulates some healthy conversation.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Carla is a complete idiot. She's constantly stirring the pot and getting in everyone's affairs so she looks like a fool turning around and talking about her business and her right to privacy. Here's a tip, if you want to sleep with married guys go to Jersey where nobody knows anybody, because if you think you can sleep with this person's son, this person's father, this person's cousin, this person's friend's husband, and talk shit about all of them and then think they're not gonna have an issue with you, good luck with that. Renee defended Carla to the upmost even though she knows all about her past, but when Carla backstabbed her too she stopped protecting her, That's what happens. Carla has instigated all of this, don't start what you can't finish.
ReplyDeleteI personally don't put my friends in a position to defend me. Act right, watch your mouth, (if you wouldn't say it too someone's face then don't say it) and everything is all good. I will not defend my friends over dumbassery either. Renee has been very cray in the past, her mouth was very off putting and the constant hysterics was boring. However she has always been my fav so theres that... I enjoy seeing them all get along and I think that Karen is precious. The bonds of female friendship are so very strong and I would hang with any of these ladies proudly. I think Renee being clean is going to be awesome, I am prepared to watch her take ova!
ReplyDeleteIt's "me" again! lol I am in the "ride or die" camp of loyalty. Can't help it. I am not saying at all, that Drita isn't in a shitty predicament. She is. But she needs to be a friend. I COMPLETELY agree with you that Drita should sit down with Carla. But privately.
ReplyDeleteThis might be easier to understand my point of view: Erase Carla's name and insert anyone's, say Angela's name. OK Drita should have Angela's back. I know you don't like Carla. I am not a huge fan either. However, remove Carla's name. Insert Love. Insert Karen. Insert Renee. Same thought in my book. You have her back period.
Better yet, define friend. Unless my friend betrays me, personally, I have their back. Now in the "life", those waters are muddied significantly. SIGNIFICANTLY. "Friends" murder "friends". You trust nobody. It's sick. In my world, I don't care if you are the whore of the town, if you are my friend, I have your back. I reallllly don't give a shit if someone thinks I am a whore. I am not. But I am a damn good friend, and I care about that. I will keep your secrets, I will have your back, and you won't stand alone. This world sucks enough--without good friends, it would suck a lot more.
The huge STUPID chick struggle I see is that Love, Karen and Ramona are trying to wedge a distance between Carla and Drita. It would take a strong person to resist it. I am thinking Drita has the balls for it. This is chick, catty crap that happens alllll the time. I am saying that if the the other chicks see Drita cave on this with Carla and not have Carla's back, they must, at some level, see that Drita could do the same thing to them. It makes Drita look bad there too. Drita is only going to look good in the long run if she stays loyal. But then again....muddy waters....muddy waters.
Hey "ride or die" Anon, thanks for coming back and making more sense out of this from the "lifestyle" point of view. I think I understand it better on that level, though I don't have the experience. It's true what you say, if Drita doesn't have Carla's back they will all think less of her. I wonder how this will play out.
ReplyDeleteLove, Karen and Ramona aren't trying to do anything between Carla and Drita. Carla needs to be responsible for her own shit. If they have beef with her, they have their reasons and Drita would do the same if Carla pulled the same with her. If anything they're doing her the courtesy of letting her know they know what's going on and giving her a chance to try and check Carla as a friend before Love throws her through a wall. Carla is always taking about everyone and in their business when none of it had anything to do with her, she's the one who has reason to wedge a distance between Drita and the rest of the group. The rest of them all have each other, without Drita Carla has nobody and Ang goes where Drita goes.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I don't see where you've getting that at all. Ramona had nothing to do with it, Karen had nothing to do with it. Someone who stabs a guy in front of his mother seems pretty straight up and not the type to play stupid mind games. Love still wants to be friends with Drita even though Lee hit her boyfriend in the face with a bat and still wants to be friends with Renee even though Renee spread rumors about her, I don't think she's staying up nights writing in a hello kitty diary with a purple felt tip plotting ways to come between Carla and Drita.
ReplyDeleteThey've all already seen how Carla doesn't ever have the back of her friend of 30 years and they all know that Carla would do the same to them. She just comes off as cold and untrustworthy and like she doesn't care, not like someone who forms deep friendships and will ride or die with you.
--me again--
ReplyDeleteCall it what you like but to me, Carla is being bullied. I don't care if Love throws Carla through a wall. I expect it!! But that's not exciting to me. That's boring because I expect it. B O R I N G and T O X I C.
As a viewer of the show, it looks like bullying. Editing, whatever...looks like bullying. If Carla betrayed Drita, then all bets are off. Carla is on her own. I speak to loyalty as loyalty is. Absent of betrayal. Not confused with fear.
These muddy waters are interesting. I think it is important to see what the viewers see without inside influence. It is what we SEE, not necessarily what IS. Two totally different realities. So it is really reality as the viewer sees it because it is made for television! The other reality is what is REALLY happening in absence of the cameras. Anyone who thinks differently is silly.
Did anyone else notice Carla's side eye at :50 seconds in, and again at :56, kind of like she was trying to process what Joe just told her about child support. Her facial expressions and body language between :50 and about 1:01 of the clip are PRICELESS.
ReplyDeleteLove your blogs! i think love shouldnt have taken it to drita. if love is so hard as she proclaims. Love stabs, poisions folks well then back up your "so bad" image you portray. Then she should have went straight to carla over this. why get drita involved? Why have karen get into it?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it looks like bullying at all. Bullying is getting on someone for no reason, it's NOT calling out someone who's done mad shit to you. The others have all had beef but they get through it, even Carla isn't trying to portray herself as a victim of bullying, she continues to stir shit up and makes it clear she doesn't give a $)(& about any of these women. Not someone who's being bullied.
ReplyDelete"Bullied"? For serious?
ReplyDeleteLook, you're right. We only see reality as made for TV. We don't even know how good friends Drita and Carla really are or if it's mostly for the cameras, which is why I can't fault Drita for loyalty or not-loyalty. I don't know what she really owes Carla.
But even on the show Carla doesn't come off as some sweet, kind, helpless victim. Not when she laughed at her boyfriend groping Renee and Karen and said he'd never touch them when they could have her hot ass, or when she called Renee a junkie and made fun of her serious life problems, or when she can't listen to anybody to try and work things out but just says they're just ugly hos who are jealous of her beauty (like what?).
If they're going for the bullying edit, they need to change it up because Carla comes off as someone who can more than hold her own and takes the lead in being crazy rude, self-centered, and cold.
Carla causes her own drama! She runs her mouth abour everyone, she so judgemental. yet she does no wrong. carla can flip out like renee. she just hides it from the show. Joe even says it. its carla way or no way. She sleeps w everyone's boyfriend/ hubby. drita couldnt defend her on that if she wanted cause its TRUTH!. Carla thinks she better then everyone. renee doesnt like her for good dang reason and personal at that. otherwise renee would toss carla scandal to all. take her off the show! Im so sick of everyone being called a CLOWN, by her rude cold self.
ReplyDeleteI have read all the comments and appreciate everyone taking the time to reply and making great points. It will be interesting to revisit this discussion after we see the remaining episodes. I'm not sure Drita can stay out of it completely. I wish her luck.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it looks a lot like bullying. I doubt Love would be threatening someone like Drita if she was doing whatever it is Carla is doing. Typical to pick on the non-violent girl.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what in the hell you guys are reading or watching. Carla started last year tweeting Love negative shit. She even threatened her with Derek. Carla is not being bullied. Whether the cameras show it or not, Carla Facciolo has revealed herself. I've seen it with my own eyes.