Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mob Wives: Season 5 Needs a Casting Call ASAP

The New Blood has bled out!

By now Mob Wives fans have heard the news that Alicia DiMichele, from Philly, has recently resigned from Mob Wives due to her legal troubles. If you haven’t heard, you can get details all over the internet. Natalie, who was never really a Mob Wife, but a cosmetician for her grandfather’s funeral home (the dead can’t complain), may or may not return . . . but common sense tells me the chances are slim she will. Her behavior during season four, on and off the show, her leaking of information concerning the show and other factors make me think she killed this opportunity. Renee has been throwing out hints that she could be getting her own spin off and is tired of Mob Wives drama. So who is left? Drita, who has so little of a storyline that they had to make up a few scripted ones for her this season like the “stalker,” Aleeya’s “bully,” that ridiculous rap song. Big Ang, who brings comic relief to dramatic situations, but never has a storyline of her own. Please don’t mention the “build your own baby” storyline, because I outgrew fairy tales when I was seven.

Now what? The New Blood has bled out. The show needs a transfusion. We need more new blood, or better yet some old blood. Old blood worked. Old Blood was the best. We miss the old blood. There was chemistry, there was history, there was drama . . . real drama, not the scripted lies that were peddled all of season 4. Why fix something that wasn’t broken?

I never liked the New Blood. Alicia, wise gal and wholesome mom of four boys who struts around half naked in front of them and the world. Alicia who was such a liar that she made Carla Facciolo look like Snow White. Alicia who whined all season long. I’m innocent, but pled guilty, what if I go to jail? Boo hoo, boo hoo. Eddie is the love of my life, I’m divorcing him. If I go to jail who will watch over all my jewelry and new Cartier bracelet? And remember how she came in like gang busters with Karen’s name coming out of her mouth over and over for no reason at all? She was happy to attack Karen and her family as long as Karen wasn’t there to defend herself and put out the reality of what really happened.

Alicia admitted to committing a crime on the show, now she has withdrawn her guilty plea. Why? The Teamsters Union thinks $20,000 doesn’t begin to cover the restitution she needs to pay back, they say the amount is closer to 3 million. I guess Alicia would rather take her chances pleading innocent and see what happens, rather than pay off that bill.

I’m not wasting any time discussing Natalie, except to say she was never a mob wife and should have never been on the show from day one.

Where does that leave us for season 5? We need more real mob wives to be cast in the show. I can imagine the people at VH1 scrambling around right now looking for old resumes and vetting new women. Maybe they are even looking at the old blood that they so easily let go. The ones who made the show the success it is. The ones they dropped like hot potatoes. Who knows? I’ve heard the door has remained open for Karen Gravano to return, and I can only pray the powers that be make the right call and get her back. I also loved her cousin Rena. I would love to see her regularly on the show. As far as the others, Jenn made it clear that they burned their bridges. That’s too bad. I guess time will tell.

Meanwhile,  if you are a mob wife, or know of a mob wife, now would be the time to get your resumes polished up and submitted for consideration. You just never know, you may be on season 5 . . . if there is a season 5.

Picture Credit: VH1


  1. So, Aleeya's "BULLY" & Drita's 'STALKER" was as FAKE AS RENEE'S "BOYFRIEND!" Go figure!

  2. That is great news Alicia and Natalie may possibly be gone!! I want Karen back and Carla was a drag because she never liked doing anything but being with Drita. Drita needs and storyline! At least Big Ang made up a better one than Drita!
    Keep us posted on if Karen coming back.

  3. The whole show is scripted bs for ratings.

  4. I'm sure their sad storylines are genuine but the enhanced crap is just crap but Alicia's brother is delicious!!

  5. It would be nice to see Karen back and given a real story line. Staten Island has a bunch of bitter women that would love to be on the show. I work in SI everyday and I am telling you they are there. Renee does not need a show of her own because it would be a waste of air space..SORRY!! the truth is the truth. Renee needs the drama in her life because she is drama. Alicia sorry you are going to end up paying the 2 million bucks. You admitted on national TV that you did the books and remember sweetie "everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law" especially in Federal court.. Dummy. Next.. Natalie is a nice girl as long as she goes back to Philly and finishes dealing with the dead people and sing for them. Jenn needs to figure out what direction she wants this show to go and think hard because I foresee the final season of Mob Wives and I love the show, but this season was like watching the Staten Island version of basketball Wives wives

  6. Everyone thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.

    Angela, I agree with much of what you say and unless they come up with a cast, season five not going to take off. I remember that there was talk of Drita getting her own spin off too. The original concept of the show and the women is what made the show a success. Bringing in "Philly girls" and calling them New Blood, didn't sit well with me. Big mistake taking on Alicia over Karen in my opinion. Alicia's life isn't stable with this case hanging over her her. Karen proved to be real, loyal, a New York Times best selling author because she has a story and is the daughter of a notorious can you ever beat that? Bring her back!

  7. Bring back Karen and Ramona!

  8. You need to contact Claudia Santini the wife of Luigi Grasso . Now that will be very interesting that broad is no joke


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