Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Monday, February 16, 2015

Mob Wives: Drita D'Avanzo Leaving Show?

reality tv animated GIF

Looks like Karen's little gif is coming in handy once again. I just went over Drita's Twitter timeline and found out she says she is leaving Mob Wives after this season. Yeah, can you believe that? No wonder she can tweet whatever she feels like about her boss, Jenn Graziano, who gave her an amazing opportunity. Now it makes sense why she doesn't care about her cast mates. She is blowing everyone off for what she says are "bigger and better things." Hmmmm. How ungrateful is that? Here see for yourself  . . . 


There you have it!

Rumors have been circulating for almost a year now that Drita is getting her own spin-off reality show. Drita implied that her husband, Lee, may be part of a "future" project. So we could be looking at a "family" show of some kind. That's all well and good, but maybe Drita shouldn't be burning her bridges too soon. Even if she has a new show and it hits the air waves there is no guaranteeing it will succeed. Here's a few titles I came up with in case they need one: "Hey Drita, Get Me A Beer," "Keeping Up With The Raccoons," "Sock Her, Mom!" "Who's The Lady Boss?" 

I guess Drita never heard the expression, "Never snub people on your way up, they're the same people you will meet on your way down?" I only hope she takes that Gnat with her. Now I am going to have to echo Karen's well known sentiments . . .

bye, b*tch, bye


  1. Good riddance, and I'll believe she's got a spin-off show when I hear it from somebody other than her!

  2. ^^^^ LOL and I agree with you!

  3. if all you want to know about the real Drita I just put a comment under the Ramona blog on this site. the blog that talks about how Drita blocked Ramona. I let y'all in on a little secret about Drita

  4. I have watched since the Beginning.. Not Season 4 of course.. Anywho I remember the 1st or 2nd Reunion Drita had said that Jennifer Renee's sister was her best friend.. So how is it now that Karen is Jenn's friend not that it cant happen but Jenn aint her friend anymore?

  5. Yes there is a God. Finally we have a chance to avoid the illegal version of Walt Disney.
    I hope anyone in their right mind does not reward her crazy butt with her own show. Thats just wrong on many levels. As wrong as Gnat thinking her skanky butt should have one.

  6. Nick Drita always changes her stories when confronted with having to face any dilemma or deflect from answering for her own behavior. Jenn shot Drita's credibility, as did Karen, when they posted pics from ALL of them hanging out as friends many years ago. How Drita think she is above it all is just another story in her own mind. Just like she is a rapper.LOL. A boxer. and whatever else she claims. She hung out with them, they were all friends, she lived with Karen, Karen moved , she took Karen's sloppy seconds and married him. Sigh. Her memory lapses too much. Then, to make it look better for the viewers, of course Karen was never her friend. Again, LOL

  7. I have never seen people like Karen and ramona put sooooo much interst and energy into one person drita does she really get to them that much if so maybe they need to stop haten and drita could school them of how to make money and keep a man plus steal yours lmoa u going to learn today bitches


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