Things Can Get Weird Around Here

Friday, January 15, 2016

Mob Wives: Reactions to Love's Return

Love Majewski is back on Mob Wives in Season 6 and VH1 just posted a video of what the other mob wives think about this very unexpected development. Love first shows up at the Mermaid Parade. Carla's first reaction is dread of another confrontation. Renee senses trouble. Karen was happy to see her friend, but then remembered Carla was there too. And then, after hearing what Love had to say, Carla begins leaning towards believing Love over Drita. Drita adds everything she can think of to discredit what Love had to say. Finally, everyone gives their theories on what they think went on between Drita and Love before the attack. Interesting video!

Hopefully, more details will emerge this season as Love talks to Carla about what really happened between her and her good "friend" Drita at Love's house the night before the altercation.

Here are a few very recent tweets on the subject:

Carla Tweets to Drita:

Love tweets to Drita:

P. S. Episode 3 is "Hamptons Hangover" After Brittany and Marissa stop arguing, the ladies try to make the most of there last days away.

Picture & Video Credit: VH1


  1. Drita is starting to remind me of Matt Dillon when he grew up by the tracks and got in with the company that owned the trains and killed the owners daughter.... but couldn't beat her twin.

    Drita with her ghetto life and rich friends feeling sorry for her. Telling so many lies she can't keep up. Can't face the cameras anymore bc she knows she's been lying.

    Denying friends that have seriously helped her out, then sat back when they were gone picking up their crumbs.

    Drita and Gnat should do a show together.
    Real Rats (NOT Mob Wise)

  2. I'm sorry but I'm still not buying anything love is saying on Twitter yesterday she tried explaining why she said what she said in the interview about Renee and the producers and she claimed people told her the wrong information but in the interview she clearly says Renee told her and producers told her how did someone tell that someone told her something it makes no sense and she said Karen heard a producer say she had to hit Carla I know you more inclined to believe love but you have to admit that somethings don't add up

  3. elhp45 I don't think we are getting the whole story, just bits and pieces of it. I hope that between the rest of the episodes and reunion show we will be able to fill in the blanks. The whole season was building up to Love confronting Carla. I don't know how many people played a part in moving the storyline in that direction in one way or another.

  4. I don't think it matters what Love or anyone else said. Drita is proving herself to be a liar just by her OWN interviews and what's already been on the show.

    She's a liar and a fake!!

  5. We've heard 3 stories straight from loves mouth about what happened and why... She isn't a credible witness to the situation. I strongly believe that this season has been manipulated like all the others to set drita up. We had Carla for two seasons, NatG for two and now it's drita.
    Each women change their minds like the wind changes direction.
    Karen and ramona put out some horrible stuff about Carla that for me, I could have years of friendship, would end the friendship there and then. How can you call someone a racist with a mixed race child and be cool with that person. Drita was right, the only thing that these women have in common now is their dislike for her, and we've all seen how a pay check can change people.
    There's a lot of Drita bashing on here, this is your blog and your bias, but sometimes I wish some people would just maybe open up to the idea that is mostly producers setting this stuff up and not drita herself

    1. Love posted that Drita was the one telling her that Renee was behind everything and before that Karen and Carla posted the letters Drita wrote making them blame Renee and her sister for even their paycheck. Then Drita came on camera blaming Renee last week so how is anyone setting Drita up? I don't understand?

  6. Drita Is the only likeable one on mobwives besides big ang, and the others are jealous. Drita is not the one caught in a lie , love is lying unless she lied in her interview, either way she is a liar. They were all building on putting drita on the out since last season when Renee, who had beef with Carla brought her back in the circle after being pissed that drita was friends with Natalie. I really believe when u look at the cause of all fights on the show, they stem from Renee pitting friends against one another, first she wanted nothing to do with Karen, then Carla, then drita, then Natalie then big ang, her and production, her sister, has had a hand in making viewers tune in for bullshit. I would like to see a show with just big ang and drita having fun, the others are attention whores .

  7. Just a note to say we do read all the comments and while we all may not agree and have different opinions, we appreciate your taking the time to express your views. Everyone has made some very good and valid points. Thanks!

  8. Actually, I never liked Drita. I've waited to see her beat up or taken out. I always pegged her for an over exaggerated version of a woman that's tied in with the mob. Sure they stand up for themselves but the life for women isn't about fighting and killing.

    The girls are always saying how different the men in the life were from what they were as fathers and at home. Drita's homelife is sad and exaggerated.

    I thought Joe was cute and so honest.

  9. I'm sure Drita did talk a bunch of crap about Carla, but I don't think for a second that she set her up.

  10. Love seeing your blog back in (a lot of--!) action as well as everyone's opinions/p.o.v.----I like reading different perspectives in comments on what we all see. Sometimes it enlightens me, other times not so much, but I always come here for your news & recaps & the discourse. Thank you (& all of you) for your work!

  11. The only person concerned with Carla NOT getting beat up was Ang. Drita knew, Karen knew, and Renee knew that Love was going to beat Drita up. Even Ramona knew but she really did stay out of it.

    That was wrong on all their parts. I'm a KG/RG fan, since day one. Own up to what you all do. You all knew Carla was "getting set up" if that's what you all want to call it and you were ALL in on it except Ramona.

    Karen, keep it real. Love told you she was waiting for Ang to leave. Which leads me to believe that she already knew Drita was leaving... and WHY??

    Because LOVE knew that Ang wasn't cool with the plan!!

    Ang and Lucifina were the only ones being cool during that "set up".

  12. Everyone had suspicions about the staging of the whole thing with Carla and Love and it was noticed that Drita and Big Ang walked out at that moment as well.

    Love was a victim of manipulation and she is still being manipulated by the show but I'm sure that the paycheck is well worth it.

    In her youth Love did model and even wanted to be in Playboy but it didn't work out.

  13. I believe Drita DID set Carla up. As soon as Love started her approach towards Carla Drita made her exit. Drita is a snake, and she had no loyalty. Carla was loyal to Drita when Drita was a target, but Drita did not stand by Carla when Carla was the target. '
    When Carla returned to the show, at the end of season 5, Drita rushed out of the room like she was shot from a cannon.

    Drita is the worse one of the whole bunch. She is the one that does not know what friendship and loyalty is.

  14. Love isn't being manipulated for a paycheck. She's working for one and it's her CHOICE where or how she chooses to earn a paycheck.

    She's like the hired goon.

  15. Who knows who cares.......we are all playing right into what the producers want to says this and that....the only thing I truly believe is when love said 'Karen was in the room when the producer asked me to hit Carla'......
    I think drita may have said' I know what they have asked and I don't want to be in the room if it happens' but that's a stretch......
    Love is crazy and dips into all the shows.
    This is getting boring if the whole season is drita vs everyone...
    It's getting ratings and social media attention.....Carla and Drita need to sit and talk with love there that's the only way it would bring the truth out.....
    I think drita is ok there friends she just feels hurt they are leaving her out...wouldn't you if you made up then all your buddies made up and started making plans and leaving you out??
    But this is 'reality t.v' and it's a distraction from our everyday lives...
    Thanks for the blog.... The scene with Karen and drita was weird drita got so heated....karen did keep it real.
    Bottom line love is a trouble maker or a puppet.

    1. How did u arrive at Love is a troublemaker? Drita didn't leave with Big Ang? I just watched it again to be sure. Ang left right after Live arrived and then karen says let's sit down and talk and Drita took off? No matter what you think about love we ALL knew she was going to hit Carla and Drita made sure she didn't have to face love but Drita likes to hear herself talk. She's such a backstabber I'm glad I don't have friends like her she left Carla surrounded by people that wanted to attack her. She's a real coward

  16. Renew is always involved whenever there are issues all the time....she is such a drama queen she loves it.
    I think everyone is getting so passionate this year because last year Drita called it on social media.
    After the episode when Carla walked into Renees event and Drita left it started another storyline and Drita said "hello it's a great set up and storyline for next season."
    So I think we are all seeing more than ever how much they manipulate the show and it's sad the producers are messing with real friendships for rating and pay checks but everyone has to be on board to some extent for it to work....
    And we all love it!!! It is a good show but I think it's a good call its final season

  17. If it is such a lie, why doesn't Drita aka Betty Bad Ass run up on Love like she does everyone else. It can only be one of two reasons. Either she set Carla up just like Love said or Love is lying but Drita is afraid of her. Seeing as how Drita claims to be the baddest of them all, either way it goes she is as fake as a three dollar bill.

  18. Drita said that Love was crazy on the show and was always calm around Love.

  19. Drita should confront Love and not expect anyone to fight her battles. If Love is lying, then it's up to Drita to call her on that.

    If she dare.

    Love Hurts would be the name of that episode.. again and again bc the title has been used twice.

    That would be a good way to close out the show.

    Gnat said on twitter that the producers wanted her to fight Drita. How come Drita didn't fight Nat D if she's so hype on fighting all the time and obviously okay with fights being scripted in??

    It's always Drita worried about a "set up" too. That's ironic.


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