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This Italian flower is related to Frankie D’Alfonso. |
Natalie "poses" but she's no poser!
Mob Wives fans are always curious about the “mob connection” the women on the show may have to qualify them as being part of “the lifestyle.” This season a no different thanks to the attractive Natalie DiDonato from Philly. Jennifer Graziano obviously can’t get enough of the Philly blood. Mob Mistress and I are keeping our fingers crossed this is the philly cheese steak we can actually stomach.
Immediately Twitter wanted to know her connection and Natalie answers, “I sure do, my cousin is Frankie Flowers, he was big in the mob, look it up.”
So, unlike Princess Funeral Home aka South Philly Molly aka The Gnat, this new Natalie allegedly has a legitimate “mob connection” and, by the sound of it, Frankie Flowers was a real stand up guy by mob standards.
I think we are going to like Natalie DiDonato and I hope her presence on the show helps to redeem South Philly’s reputation with viewers.
Links: Frankie "Flowers" D"Alfonso and Murder of Frankie Flowers
Picture Credit: VH1 and Natalie's Twitter Account
So, what, exactly, is the first Natalie's mob connection? Is it only that her family buried the dead of the Philly Crime Family or does she have blood in the game? I've Googled and can't find anything on her. I'm hoping this new Natalie will put the other one in her place.
I would love to tell you her "mob connection" but as of now the only thing we know is she works at a funeral home that has buried a few mobsters.
Hi, there, I was trying to find Natalie D's tweets about the Frankie Flowers connection -- and they are gone! She must've deleted them... just curious if you knew about this....I'm writing a story about the Franky Flowers connection - you have the only proof!!
Hi Ed. Good luck with your story, there is plenty on him. I also believe that Jenn mentioned this connection in one of her recent interviews. We may have that video posted on a blog ;)
Thank you -- I will be sure to watch for it! Interesting this whole Frankie Flowers connection...
The reason you may have trouble finding her family connection Ed is because it is bogus. According to the family this woman is not related to them. If she is they would like to see her genealogy that proves her family connection.
Can anyone even name today's alleged mob boss. I mean. I can. But half these people don't even know. It's ridiculous
Lmao Morgan. I can't wit the wannabe's.
There is none.... Someone down the line (a distant cousin was married to his cousin or some crap) she was like 2-3 years when Flowers was killed and she has no real connection. Half of South Philly claim to be connected to someone. & those that really are. Know they never need to brag about it. Because anyone really connected. Wouldn't ever even get on this show.
Natalie d. Is not related to Frankie Flowers. He was my stepdad's father. She obviously lied to get on the show,and is now making money off his name,not caring about his daughter and grandchildren she is hurting by bringing his name up.
I don't have documents that prove she is related or not. I am waiting before judging. It isn't easy to "prove" you are related to a distant relative or one who is related by marriage. That would require various documents like birth and marriage certificates of those in the chain of the relationship. So we will see what, if anything, turns up.
Well I can say this Gnatalie has no mob connections. Other then maybe being friends with some of the comnected men's kids. Someone on one of these sites claimed Joey Merlino and her are first cousins. That is not true however. So how'd she get on the show then or does the show not care if these girls are connected to anyone in the mob. (Of South Philly that is) and there's not much left of the south philly mob anyway.
There's a post by C. Ligambi. I wonder if that person is related to alleged current mob boss Joe Ligambi. I would imagine that anyone with any real connections to what's left of the South Philly mob wouldn't be given the blessings to appear on this show. So it's probably just girls who have wanted to model or be in the entertainment industry. I'd like to see some real deal faces of South Philly. Because being born and raised and still living there. I can assure you all that the girls of South Philly don't act like what you're seeing.
Come on, really?!? Does anybody really care who these women are related to legitimately or illegitimately? And if they are family of mobsters does that automatically make them hard or give them some kind of clout? I watch the show for strictly entertainment purposes. Since when does being a criminal or related to someone who is make you a person to look up to? And regardless of how you spin it the individuals who were in the mob were criminals, whether it be theft, murder, etc.
Natalie d is not related she did admitt this & then changed her story we have screen shots to prove this. I am frank Dalfonso's granddaughter we never ever heard of her
There is no connection to my family she's a FRAUD!!
Natalie D says she is related to Frankie Flowers. VH1 accepted it. I don't have her family tree on my hand to know one way or the other. Maybe more facts will come out before the season is over. Thanks for commenting.
All of south philly knows she ain't related to him or she wouldn't be being so disrespectful to his immediate family. Why didn't vh1 contact immediate family and ask their permission for their father/grandfathers name
To be used. That is his next of kin. She made herself look completely stupid. And discredited the show entirely.
To my knowledge at least the other Natalie hasn't claimed to be related to anyone. Which has confused me from the door.
Because why is show called mob WIVES. Maybe women of the mob. Ok. Lol.
But it started off with Mob Wives and now is Mob Lies!!!
I do not know if VH1 did or didn't verify Natalie's connection to Frankie Flowers. As far as I know the network, Jenn Graziano, and Natalie all say connection is legit. Where all of South Philly gets their information is beyond me. Are they all registered on Ancestry.com? It's just a matter of getting some documents together, like birth and marriage certificates, to verify their relationship. I hope someone is doing that research and puts this matter to rest one way or the other. Personally, I don't think someone who says they are all about the truth is going to start off with a lie. I am waiting this one out before drawing conclusions.
There aren't any documents whatsoever that will point to Natalie D being related to Frankie D'Alfonso and no disrespect to the blogger Chiara Soprano but yes. All of S. Philly might as well be registered to ancestry! Everyone knows everyone. And I personally know the families of both. I can tell you now. Nat D lied, she used a name of someone who was a far back family friend. And the truth will come out. Because if there's any connection it's a very very very distant one thru marriage of someone who maybe adopted a dog that was born out of a litter of a distant cousin of Frankie Flowers. My point is. She's not related. And VH1, and JustJenn Productions haven't answered this claim to his own immediate family. They've ignored all corresponce. Because they're going to try and make a monetary offer and make it part of the storyline.
And. Nat G is posting pics all over of her and the D'Alfonso family as well to gain an alliance
However. Fact remains. There's no relation and on a serious answer. Yes. I've actuallu registered personally with ancestry and used the names Natalie D used. Just for my own curiosity Bcuz I have no issue with anyone personally. And unfortunately no. There's not one document on record. No marriage certificates nothing. I've gone has far back as 1940. And I'm getting nada.
It's not looking good for Natalie D. And making the entire show look like a big fake joke. I'll be a fan. And continue to watch the train wreck. But I've also talked to some people who are furious Natalie D. Even drudged this up. Like family members who were falsely accused of Flowers death. It started a domino affect of problems. And may even start a war in S. Philly
She pissed off some powerful people.
People that Natalie G knows well. And knows better to use their names.
As Natalie G Is Joey Merlino's first cousin. Him and his wife were at her sons christening and many other family functions years ago. She knew better then to use his name publicly. For many reasons. But if asked she will not deny it. She's also very close with Steve Mazzone again. Knew better then to use those names. And I am not team either Natalie but only stating what I know to be true. I'm sure if asked Natalie will answer truthfully but may possibly plead the 5th. Due to the fact these are current mob associates
For C. Ligambi are you related to reputed boss Joe Ligambi. If so. I believe I know who you are. I'm signing this anonymous BcuzI do not need the trouble or drama it can bring Bcuz I mentioned some names of alleged current mob associates.
But can say that I happen to work where it's quite easy to access all documents. Documents which only next of kin (or employees) can get. Birth certs etc can not be given to just anyone. Nor can death certs etc. marriage certs are public record. As are death records (not certificates) as well as divorce. There is no such relation. But. I understand it'll need to be done the right way. I just already know what it's going to turn out to be. It won't be any surprise to about 98.9% of S philly.
No relation of Natalie D. And anyone at all who was ever connected to the S. Philly mob. As she would say FACT. I hope she tries to challenge me. She thinks she's invincible she isn't crap. Was a nobody until this and will be a nobody after this. And we don't like when people draw attention to anyone supposedly connected to any mob. There's no such thing. It's all been made up by the FEDS. So the people from S Philly should know better then to go on TV to glorify something that doesn't even exist. They'd be wise to stay off a show that is ruining the reputation of some good people.
Natalie D is no relation if she was wouldn't the immediate fam know her or know her family, they don't. Where is the proper paperwork to prove this Produce it!!!
"Because anyone really connected. Wouldn't ever even get on this show." So Victoria Gotti is not connected?
How many D'Alfonso family members does it take ? Frankie's own grand daughter herself posted on this very blog, she is not related, My husband who is a D'Alfonso has no clue who she is, nor does any of his siblings or cousins.
So what's the big deal you might ask ..Well for one it is hurting Brielle. This Nat D trying to get close to her pretending to be her friend to pump her information about her grandfather, so she can lie and say she is family.
I've attended family funerals in South Philly and have never met her. Oh what, wait maybe she worked there.
All I can say about this is the truth will come out. I put a question mark at the end of the title because I do not know and have not been able to verify it. However, it is a question that needs to be addressed by Natalie, Jenn Graziano and VH1 at some point and out to rest one way or the other.
This has affected the D'Alfonso family and anyone who supports them as well. The stalking and harassment taking place on Twitter which production refuses to address.
The use of people's names without proper validation.
It's all a disgrace.
Just more money hungry people not caring about how they make a dollar.
It's not possible that Joey attended Nat G's son's christening. Her son is 9-10 years old & he was in jail. She is not his 1st 2nd or even 3rd cousin. You're right about Nat D tho she is not related to anyone either.
Any input on Nat D.??
The Family is very pleased that she is not allowed to use their name any longer. Very few wanted to believe us when we said she wasn't related, now we are vindicated.
I am glad for the family. They fought a good fight. I never saw any proof as yet to substantiate Nat D's claims. Ample time was provided. The family deserves this vindication.
To be completely honest, the thought of someone using the name of a well known mobster/associate is disheartning. I am a very close individual to the new crime boss that set Frankie's murder up. Bruno [I called him that in joking] was not a good guy. But, he was good to me. When he was home, he was home, but hen he was at work" he was a monster. I am here to tell you that Natalie D was NEVER mentioned by Frankie nor any of his family/friends that I had met. As a matter of fact, Nat D is what they would call a Gumar. [Mistress] She would be good to screw, cum depository, cum dumpster and that is ALL. My dad I love very much. But, what he did was wrong.
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