"I need a lot of liquor."
(so do I after this week!)
The Mob Wives were busy filming the Reunion Show yesterday and I hear it was EPIC! But the drama must go on. Carla’s return ignited some Twitter drama this week which you can find in a few recent blogs that captured the Mob Wives’ little war of words, for those of you who may have missed it. Now on to the recap . . . This week’s episode fell a little flat for me, as my kids would say, “It was meh.” How about you? Did you enjoy it?
Drita and the girls get back from Disney World and reminisce. Another cute scene with Giselle and Aleeya. Drita has the girls making a scrapbook for their father for all the things he missed and to show they appreciate him. An early Christmas present. Yawn.
Gnatalie, Drita and Ang are hanging out together at a club to have fun. Drita feels guilty about questioning Gnat about her loyalty. Ang orders a lot of liquor. They decide not to talk about Renee and have fun. They go to the other room to dance. Ang declares she likes Gnatalie and if anyone doesn’t like it, too bad. Yawn.
So basically, Drita is the Mother F*ckin' puppet!
(basically, yes)
At Renee’s house, Renee says she is glad Gnat apologized, but she still has Karen and Natalie D to deal with. Natalie D. pops in, she loves to hang out with Renee. Natalie D invites her to her Christmas party for a charity event she is hosting to collect Toys for Tots. Natalie asks Renee about her Thanksgiving. Renee fills her in on her talk with Gnatalie. Basically, Gnat said she was sorry for some of the things she did. Renee says she will never be good with Gnat unless she apologizes to Karen. We all know that will never happen! Natalie D. asks if Drita broke Gnat's face? Renee says absolutely not. Last time Natalie D. saw Drita she was going to beat up Gnat. Natalie D. says, "Drita is the Mother f*ckin’ puppet." Natalie D. adds if she wants to hang with a f*ckin’ rat that’s on her.
Gnatalie and her mother are meeting with London and his mother. Who the hell thought this was a good scene? Gnat’s mother asks why are they meeting. Gnat jokes and says she is pregnant (no comment). Norma, London’s Mom, looks very nice. Gnatalie feels since she and London are close and living together, their mothers should meet. Nancy, Gnat’s mom, asks about them having children, the clock is ticking. London and Gnat aren’t at that point yet. London says they have to work some things out, like Gnat’s big mouth. And, they discuss how they are both stubborn. Right about now I am done with filler scenes. Feeling a little sorry for London, if he hasn’t seen the light by now, he never will.
"Those weren't even my fights, they were her fights,
but because I was her friend, I stuck by her side"
(Carla deserves a ton of credit for her loyalty to a flip-flopper)
Renee is popping in on Carla and she brought her some little Mob Candy gifts. Renee was really touched that Carla came to her Mob Candy party. Renee invites her to Natalie D.’s Christmas party. Carla asks if Drita and Ang are going. Renee says yes. Carla tells her she was shocked by Drita’s lack of emotion over seeing her. She just ran for her coat. Carla says she stuck up for Drita in so many fights and now she doesn’t even talk to her? Then we see numerous scenes from past seasons where Carla had Drita's back every time. Not that we needed reminding about Carla's loyalty to Drita. Carla is confused and wants to know what is up with Drita. Don’t we all want an answer to that question? Carla says she didn’t even say two words to me before jetting out of there? Renee asks if she would sit down and talk to her. Carla says yes, she wants to know what Drita has against her. Maybe Carla should cut her losses now? You can’t be friends with a flip-floppin’ floozie. (Thanks Ramona for pegging her at the get go.)
Drita and the scrapbook again. Oy vey. Drita hides the scrapbook in Lee’s store so he can find it. Then she calls him on the phone so he look for his early Christmas present. He seems to like it. He looks at it while he is on the phone instead of sitting down with the whole family so the girls can watch him go through it and see his reaction. Nice. Lee wants to go Christmas shopping. Filler, filler, filler. and I am not talking about Christmas stockings! God forbid these two ever talk in person.
Karen talks to Sammy about new law
for early release.
Karen tells Karina that Storm is cooking dinner. Apparently, Karen is not a cook. Her brother, Gerard got the cooking genes. Karen wants Karina and Storm to get to know each other. Karen says Karina will have the best of both worlds, west coast and east coast. Karen gets a call from Sammy in prison. Karen says she and Karina speak to her dad once a week. Karen is going to call their attorney over a reduction in sentencing. Sammy is incarcerated for a nonviolent drug conviction and a new law was passed that could shorten his sentence. Karen is going to do her best to get him out early. He has been in prison 15 years already.
Karen's daughter Karina has been doing some
modeling. Keep an eye on her.
Gnatalie and London go to couple’s therapy. Ugh! They have been together two years, but they have a couple of things to work out. Only a couple? Gnat’s temper is out of control. Ya think? He says a lot of their problems iare about her issues with the girls and he doesn’t know why she is letting the girl drama affect their relationship. The therapist notices that Gnat’s voice keeps going up as she explains her side of things and, when that happens, London starts to shut down. She points that out to them. He wants to know what to do when she screams at him in public? How about get the hell out of there and let her walk home? Gnat isn’t happy with the therapist. She could have solved the issue herself. Oh yeah, then why are they even there? The therapist gives them a little advice. Look into each other’s eyes with one hand one each other’s heart. Soon London leans in to kiss the Gnat. Gnat says this is a great first step to marriage. Uh oh . . . Run, London, run! I could have used the time wasted on this scene to take a nap.
Drita meets up with Ang to do some shopping. The do a little reminiscing because the store is located in the same spot as Ang's old bar, "Nocturnal," which is where Drita and Ang first met. Of course the highlight of their memories is talking about how many people Drita laid out on the floor. I think those stories are all BS judging from the fact Drita was the only one to get a black eye in 5 seasons. Then Ang asks Drita if she was invited to Natalie D.'s party. Drita makes a face and says she feels sick to her stomach because Gnat has shown her nothing but respect and this Natalie D. got her all rev'ed up to where she wanted to bash Gnat's head in. Drita says she confronted Gnat and she was crying. Ang agrees. She can't say anything bad about Gnat either. Oh well, what can you do? I just hope the rest of the show delivers a "punch."
Natalie D and Ronnie enter the party
Finally, (the scene that saves the episode) we are at Natalie D.’s Toys for Tots charity event to give children who are less fortunate a good Christmas. Natalie D. is looking forward to the girls from New York coming. She wants to ask Drita about her flip-flopping too. Karen, Carla, Renee arrive. Ang comes in with Neil. Ang loves the glamour and decorations of the party. Renee wants to know why Drita took off when she saw Carla. Drita is missing and Ang says she isn’t coming. Natalie D. walks over and thanks them all for coming and then asks, where’s Drita. Ang says she didn’t come. Natalie D. is pissed that Drita didn’t call or email her she wasn’t coming. Natalie D. says she went to New York to support Drita’s Calendar party. Karen says maybe she didn’t come because out of the other Gnatalie. Renee excuses herself from a situation that she feels is going to turn ugly. Good move Renee!
Drita's MIA and Natalie D is offended
no call, no email, no text, no show
Renee, looking gorgeous, does not want
to get involved in another brawl
Renee get out and don't ruin that beautiful white suit!
Natalie D. starts talking about Gnat and Ang gets disgusted to the point she regrets coming. Natalie D. was filling in Carla about recent events, but Ang wants her to talk about something else besides Gnat. Natalie D. says Drita not being there is weird, last time she saw her she was going to rip Gnat’s face off. Ang claims she is not Drita’s keeper. Ang says it’s annoying that every time she sees Natalie D. she talks about Gnatalie, now it’s about Drita.
"You know what's really f*cking annoying Ang? That you
sit there with a f*ckin' b*tch that wants to disrespect my family."
"I'm sick of this conversation!"
REUNION tidbit: Vivica A Fox hosts the Reunion Show, confirmed via Renee, the one thing that has been verified. We are delighted with Mob Wives choice as Vivica brings class to any show she participates in.

P.S. For the scoop on Gnatalie read Mob Mistress' interview with and Associate of hers.
Clearly you don't like Natalie or drita. Why?
Karina has grown to be absolutely beautiful !! This episode just bored the hell out of me. Drita just continues to prove she is a douche bag. I feel Nat D. is justified in talking shit about GNat I would be IRATE if someone called my significant other to talk shit about me !! I really hope that GNat is TRULY not coming back next season I don't think I would watch anymore if she stays on.
Why would anyone like Natalie or Drita lol
Ok did anybody else catch that "message" Sammy the Bull relayed through Karen during that phone conversation they had?! That after he gets released (now they're even hoping early -_-) he has "unfinished odds and ends" to take care of in New York.
If you read both his book as well as Karen's, you'll know that he had over a million on the streets in shylock money when he got pinched with Locasio and Gotti at the Ravenite that infamous evening. Monies owed to him has to be the ONLY business I can think of why he would risk his neck returning to the tristate area for. Besides he had ownership in a few other businesses. This information has to be a slap in the face of authorities who used him as a star witness against Gotti. No good can ever come from Sammy coming back to NYC to "take care of business." What do you think will happen if Sammy asks for his money and the person who owes him is incapable (or worse, unwilling to pay him). You think Sammy a prolific killer will say "OK," and call it a day. Law enforcement should have a dedicated squad (yes squad, not a single person), to tag Sammy for the rest of his days on this earth.
After flipping on Gotti, he left the Witness Protection Program a few mths after that then got arrested for his current incarceration (aka being the biggest Ecstasy distributor in Arizona). As things progress he is continuing to embarrass the US government for ever having used him as their star witness vs Gotti. And now this! He wants to return to New York to take care of business? Bah!
Can't wait for Jerry Capeci's take on all this, and the US governments reaction to this proclamation. Also if you were one of the people who owed Sammy money you gotta be shaking in your boots. Sure, the Gambino's official response will be, "that Rat can go f* himself. However, that won't prevent Sammy, a skilled murderer and expert at setting up a hit, from coming for these people directly. And you can trust he would know how to confront them for his money/hit them when they are most vulnerable.
Sammy definitely used Karen (or shall we say Karen willingly participated) to get this message out there through Mob Wives (who knows it could be the primary reason Karen returned to the show even).
Drita's fam is cute but honestly, they're boring to watch. Lee's part is boring too. His store is boring too, looks like a front of some sort.
When Drita filed for divorce, she was out with Carla and for some reason forgave Lee and now snubs Carla. Drita said Lee was waiting in the car for her so he saw Carla arrive.
Drita is stuck on dick, she always says she has one in some sense or the other. I bet she went out on Lee while with Carla and now Lee don't want her hanging out with her anymore.. bingo, no calls, texts, and that snub in the mall... hmmmmmmm!
Nat G is boring as fuck unless someone is beating her up for her mouth. London is dumb for staying with her but he's a bum and so is prob there for the $$$$.
ALL the girls, Nat D included, are doing something new or celebrating a success of something... what is Nat G doing???
I'd like to see more on Karina's modeling. She is super cute and has a great smile!!!
Episode 10 already...this season is going so fast and it's great Carla is back in the mix with Karen.
Now the scene with Drita and her girls making the scrapbook for Lee....nice but Drita is so pushy, did the girls even have a choice? Drita keeps saying the girls love to do things like this for there father but all I saw was Drita saying " make him a scrapbook" " make up a poem" Draw a picture of him" " put stickers in" she dictated and told them what to do and how to do it. The girls are more than capable but seems Drita just crawls to lee in every way.
The whole delivery of the scrapbook again was it about the girls creating it and looking through it as a family or Dritas way?
She keeps reminding the girls how hard poor lee is working and it's not easy blah blah what about these poor girls its hard on them too.....big re adjustment.
Nat D really doesn't have a storyline apart from trashing Nat G and Ang needs to understand of course she is going to talk about her that's her thing in common with the girls plus she is trying to warn them....ang and drita get told all this stuff go to nat g she says no I didn't then all is peachy?
The fact drita says why can't Renee forgive if she forgave Carla well drita like u said Renee and Carla have history no one has history with nat g the little slut!,
I'm a bit suspect on the sammy call from what I know sammy the bull is in Arizona prison and the call came from a New York prison?? Anyone else pick that up?
I would love to hear a conversation with him and Karen and hope he gets out and gets a scene on the show!!
The two mothers meeting scene well I don't think Nat G is relevant enough to have a scene like that.... I think nat g has been treated a certain way in her life largely due to how she dresses and acts and she is a spoilt brat....
The reunion is going to be great it's what we need all of them in the same room to hash it out I hope Ronnie is there too as he got the calls from nat g that all these conversations revolve around.
Big ang should have more loyalties to Karen than nat g she should not be friends with someone who talks that way about her friends from what I know big ang knows sammy the bull so c'mon ang wake up.
Sorry Kristen, I hit the wrong button and lost your comment.
Leigh. To my knowledge Sammy was gonna have to finish his time in N.Y. because some or all of the Ecstasy was from N.Y. so he got sentenced from there too. :)
Leigh I think he is locked up in Colorado but I FOR SURE caught on to that NY call right away.....WTF?? This episode was pretty boring for the most part
You love to hate on Drita. In the earlier seasons before everyone got mad at her all the other cast vouched for the fact that these fighting stories are true, Karen, Renee, and Carla included. The only reason she got a black eye was because Karen and Ramona tried to jump her, not to mention the fact that we never saw an actual punch hit her face and she thought she got elbowed when it was all getting broken up. Just because you don't like some of the cast doesn't mean there scenes aren't relevant. You seem to think you have more power than you actually do, both on this blog and on twitter, and you definitely do not represent the fans of Mob Wives. Drita, Ang, and Nat G also have just as many fans as the rest of the cast. Personally, I think it's obvious Nat D was brought on the show just to stir the pot. The only scenes we see her in, she's talking sh*t about Nat G and now Drita. We know nothing about her family, her work, her alleged mob ties which now prove to be a crock of sh*t. At least Nat G has scenes about something else besides talking sh*t. Now Carla has been brought back on for the same person. Like Drita tweeted, they needed to set up drama for the next season so they brought on a sell out. Don't believe everything you see on TV or here from Jennifer Graziano, the producer's job is to make it interesting, not to tell you the truth. I normally enjoy this blog but it's becoming too one sided for me.
The scrapbook thing was obviously scripted as much of the show is for a filler scene.
The show needs to change the overused cycle formula of being friends, arguing with friends, physical fight with friends, apology with friends, and being friends again.
I would like to see episodes where they go to Italy or something and see their heritage.
Hi Chiara! Missed you and the recaps last 2 episodes!
Ok.. Drita and Ang are the biggest hypocrites to grace this show, especially Drita. I should have known that she would never really change even though she was steadfast on doing it for her kids . Zebra never loses stripes. Ramona was 100% accurate when she copied the term flip flopping ya know what. Now, for her and Ang to whine every week about an outsider coming in and saying things, says what about them doing that with Gnat???? So it was ok as long as one was blasting Renee and Karen- outsiders were welcomed with open hypocritical arms? Ok, got it! Gnat is just trash. One thing I do not like about Nat D , is the getting hypo every week just because of Gnat. It did get annoying as Gnat always proves herself to be a waste . Poor Carla. She should have known better. Ang warned her 2 years ago but yet clung to Drita herself, so again what does that say about her? Too much drinking her own products?
Love how Drita says she never said moth ball about Carla, but we saw that clip and watched her mouth say it how many times? She too is drinking too much of Ang's products. Always busting a head, breaking a face yada yada yada.. never busted anything on the show though. Gnat is a liar. Drita is a liar. Ang needs to go back to the Monkey. And take her instigating too old to be tweet stalking sister with her. Anyone that backs up a racist lying nude selfie taking wine bottle loving troublemaker, needs to not voice opinions. IMO.
Thanks for all the comments. This has been one exhausting season with lots of drama and surprises. I don't know how things will end. Drita seems to be saying she will not be back and yes, she owes jenn a huge thank you. Disrespecting Jenn on Twitter is disgraceful. In addition to Gnat's off the show issues I heard she didn't do herself any favors on the Reunion taping. No details other than she did a lot of "running" I don't think VH1 is happy with her she might be getting to boot. I hope they bring back Ramona, always loved her bluntness!
Brian, if you read the comments I am not the only one hating on Drita. And many fans saw the "red eye" fight differently. This is my blog and I am writing to express my opinions and thoughts. We don't have to agree on everything or anything. If I find a scene boring or a "filler" I am going to say so. We are all partial to certain cast members and I can't please everyone so I have to please myself. Thanks for commenting.
I would love to see Ramona come back as well. Also Brian L. It is their blog I guess they can hate on anyone they want to hate on. Also I don't know what power they think they have that you are talking about. Seems to me that the men who love Drita and GNat are only looking at them and NOT observing their actual personalities. They are both lovely but have ugly personalities. So whatever, you do not like the blog don't read it. As far as I can tell they never flip flopped on who they liked.
When has Natalie ever shown dishonesty? She went from friends with Renee, whom got mad at her for something she wasn't meaning to be rude, DELICIOUS! And did what 98.5% of women, especially young women do, trash talking and Karen started it when she called Natalie a nobody. Natalie's a typical young woman and that's with Big Ang' & Drita think but again.. she's never seen disloyalty. Natalie D. is annoying and looks like a blow up fish. Everything about her is fake, fake body, fake person. Renee seems to be maturing & Karen is just on there for her father & it's totally obvious her boyfriend is " baller " They do allow TV time in prison & " messages "
Am I the only one who notice that Renee was drinking wine at Nat D's party and by the end of the episode when Ang was telling her lets go, she was obviously drunk and/or high?
What exactly is a “baller”?
Drita got herself hit in the eye by turning up and trying to come at Karen when Renee meant for them just to talk. Romona got manhandled by some guy friend of Drita's. That is why Junior became livid at the party and went looking for "that" guy. Drita got hit in her eye by Karen. Then Drita lied and claimed she sent Karen to the hospital because she "heard" Karen went to the hospital. There was only one person with a black eye (Drita) and one person wanting to do it (Karen). Again, Romana had some man trying to fight/hold her back so she was busy.
Drita talks mad shit and so does Gnat. That is why they get along so well. I bet Gnat would be as quiet as a church mode if Ramona and Love were on the same season with her.
Drita and Ang are flip floppers. They hated Gnat after their first "get to know you" over drinks. Drita and Ang made up with the Gnat and watched as she went at a high Renee in Vegas. Real friends would have protected a high Renee. That is why Karen and Ramona have proven to be more loyal. When someone is your friend you ALWAYS have their back. Right or wrong you either stand up with them or you protect them. They know Renee is a hot ass mess. That is why Ang and Drita should have been checking Gnat for talking shit about their friends right to their face. Instead Ang told everyone (mainly Renee) that she did not want to hear them bad mouth Gnat.
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