Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mob Wives: No Love Lost Sneak Peek Ep 7

What did you feed him?  Me.

Drita has a little something to share with Carla and Big Ang. Lee has been living at home, like he never left. Seems like they both have a little adjusting to do, but one thing seems to be "just like riding a bike." Drita looks very happy, but will it last? Be sure to catch episode 7, "First Look, No Love Lost" at 10 PM Sunday night!

P.S. Carla will be having a little sit down with Joe and Raquel and I, for one, am really looking forward to that scene!

Picture & Video Credit: VH1


Anonymous said...

First let me say that Drita is my favorite. She and Angela are wonderful! Love love love them. OK with that said, I was saddened to see Drita prepare Aleya for Lee coming home by telling her to be a clean freak. Ummmm, I think the better approach would be to tell Lee to start living in his cell like he was living with someone else. He is lucky to have a home to go to. I just saw sadness and fear in Aleya when Drita was prepping her. Shouldn't be put on the kids.

Rosey said...

I agree totally that she should not have said that to her daughter about her father, especially with him being gone 4-6years. She looked terrified of her dad and I think Drita is a little terrified of him also. Lee is not Joe. Drita is not going to kick Lee out of his house without a fight on her hand.